Wednesday, February 20, 2019

Rosie the Curious Bunny

I made this little needle felted rabbit.  It turned out so cute, I was inspired to "spin a little yarn" about her....

Rosie the Curious Bunny

"Rosie my dear
please stay here
as the world can be unkind"

"I've made you a nest
now do your best
to sit still while I leave you behind"

So Rosie did lay there in the ground 
and she listened for any sound
I think I'll hop out to see the world
I just want to look around

She peeked her head up from down below
with long her ears held way back low
No man nor beast were far or near 
so she hopped out really slow

If I can just make it to the fence
I will run along it's side
and go and see what I can find 
If I hear something I will hide

Roie was curious of each and every thing
What's this? What's that?  If I only knew!
All of a sudden she heard a loud "ping" 
With ears perked up away she flew

Where do I go? Where can I hide?
Then from the corner of her eye 
she saw just the spot
an old wheel barrow turned on it's side
next to a garden pot

I don't think she can see me, oh now what can I do?
All Rosie could think of was her Mama's warning
"you will be turned into stew!"

The farmer's wife saw Rosie sitting ever so still 
her sweet little face poking out from beneath the wheel 
The farmer's wife enjoyed her garden
with peas, radish and carrot so bountiful

I can't have a rabbit in here
no, that just won't do
then she remembered her own little ones
now grown up and moved away too

If I leave this little bunny 
and let her go back home
I could enjoy her company 
while I'm out here all alone

So she winked at Rosie and gave a wave 
to let her know all was good 
and she slipped out of the garden gate
and watched Rosie as she stood

Rosie was scared, shaking no doubt 
but she knew that she must run
good bye to the farmer's wife, the fence 
and to the warm lovely sun

She hopped back into the hole
so cold and damp and brown
she thought of the fun she would have 
in the garden when she is grown.

Then Rosie felt a soft push and her mama's kiss
Slowly she awakened and thought about that close miss
Did I really go outside and see the farmer's wife
Was this it all just a dream or was it in real life?

Then Rosie looked down upon her feet
still black from the dirt she had ran
and she knew right there, that one day soon
she would be hopping around in the garden again.

I hope you enjoyed this.  Please respect me by not reproducing this.   My plans are to do that.  I've had others in the past take my writings, print and use them as their own.  It is my desire to one day print some children's books.  Thank you for understanding.  

Blessings from Ringle, Wisconsin.


  1. What a wonderful tale and a wonderful rabbit! What a great way to spend a snowy day. Daughter said they were getting lots of snow too. Stay safe and warm. I keep thinking that surely we must be nearing the end of the winter soon.

  2. Cute poem and bunny!!

  3. Great bunny tale! Also love your felted cutie too! Janice

  4. i have felted soap and i know it is not easy!! this must have been pretty difficult and it came out great!!!

  5. I don’t know what is sweeter....your felted bunny or the tale! I love it! And yet another similarity....I have always wanted to write children’s fact I did start one, but that’s all the farther I got...a start. And I know your frustration in people copying.....I used a story line in my auction group and it has been pirated (story line, concept, characters, you name it) that I have to just shake my head. Stay safe and snow?? (Grrrrr!) Robin

  6. Thanks ladies for the wonderful comments! I appreciate that!

  7. You certainly have a talent, what a great book that would make.
