Monday, February 18, 2019

Motivational Monday - Being a Tiger

This past week we celebrated Valentine's day.  Al gave me a sweet card and told me I was his tiger.  Sometimes when I get all "riley" about something, Al will say "calm down tiger!"  However, he said I was his tiger because I always fight for him.  Not fight WITH him...FOR him.  In 30 years of marriage we rarely have fought.  Hmmm.... maybe because I'm such a tiger ....  (smile).

Anyway this had my thinking about me and all the stuff I was a tiger over and "had" to fight about.  I told Al some of these thoughts and asked for his advice on how to make this a Motivational Monday post.  He quickly said, "well, NOW you know what to fight for and when to be a tiger."  Yes, that is true!  

Each decade of life brings their own issues and fights.  Things I had to be a tiger with in my 20's and 30's were different in my 40's.  If you remember, we had a child with cancer, a tiger I was and so was she!   In reflection, I can see where at times a tiger wasn't needed or warranted and I do have some regrets in my actions.  That is what this post is about.  

There was a time, if someone would say, "you can't do that!"  I had the attitude, oh ya, watch me!  (dare I say..."don't tell me what to do").  Does anyone really like being told what to do?  I hate it!  Anyway....I would make sure if someone thought "you can't do that" I would prove them wrong!  I had to laugh because now instead of them saying "you can't do that" It's my saying it!  "I can't do that"'s a wise person who understands their limits.   The issues I face in my 50's thus far have extended my limits, physically more than any other.  I just "can't do it" and I'm beginning to accept it.  

When you overexert yourself, nothing goes right.  I would rather drag a piece of furniture to the trailer than ask for help...I hate asking people to help me.  If you can't see I'm struggling and don't offer to help I surely am not going to ask for it!   I know...still taming that tiger...

Side note:  I did know a real lion and tiger tamer, Mr. Behn from Aniwa, WI read about it here:

So, why a motivational post?  Why being a tiger?

Well, friend, sometimes you need to be a tiger.  When you have small children, no one is going to fight for them if you don't.  When you are self-employed and you need to scratch and claw your way though ideas, dreams, plans and social media branding.  When you know to do right and see other's doing wrong.  When you see that just maybe there is more to life behind you than in front and you need to RECLAIM (my word of the year) some of yourself this year.  These are the things to be a tiger over!  Being a tiger isn't bad.  Fighting for those you love and what you believe in is a good thing.  Just understand that not everything warrants a tiger or fight.  Be a wise one....

Blessings from Ringle, Wisconsin.  


  1. And a wise little tigress you are my friend... So true, everything you said... I had to laugh at the part not telling you you can’t do something...that’s how I ended up with a law degree LOL. (Hmmm....perhaps fodder for a post some day). And yes, sometimes taming is in order, but as we chatted about, some times are bodies do the taming for us. (Yet another funny coincidence...but I knew someone who had lions...there’s a photo someplace around here with me and a cub....). Have a great new week.... Meow.... Robin

  2. I really enjoyed reading this post today Jacky! Being a tiger would be different at any age I believe. Reflecting on my own life, yes I would say I acted differently at certain times of my life. Some things I would like to redo, but for certain I know I am much more wiser. Janice

  3. Kids don't have to be little for someone to stand up for them, or with them! Being a tiger, when needed, is a good quality all through life.

  4. Great post. Made me think about some of the things I have been a "Tiger" about in the past.
