Sunday, December 31, 2017

"Embrace" the New Year

My word of the year for 2017 was Embrace.  Going into "it" - I did understand that I would use embrace for both good and bad.  I truthfully, didn't know how much I would need to embrace the bad.  I did go through my year of reflection in posts (photos here:  As I looked over them again, I am proud of myself for how I did embrace "it" all!  

So out with the old and in with the new.  I have been collecting words, writing them down and putting them in a bag.  These were words I heard in a sermon, something a friend said, or I read and wrote down.  I will draw one later today and let "fate" pick my word of the year for 2018.  

Do you use a theme or word of the year?  I have for the past 3 years:  2015 "Steadfast," 2016 "Nifty," 2017 "Embrace"

It just gives me something to ponder on, a focal point...what about this experience did I find..."your word"...or how can I "your word."  I like it!

My great-niece is in on this too this year, she picked a fun word.  If you decide to pick a word of the year, please comment or message me what it is.  I would like to know.  

Blessings from Ringle, Wisconsin.  

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