Thursday, December 28, 2017

Alternative Gym Class - Mr. Schlamer

When I was in high school, many, many years ago, we had an alternative gym class, for the athletically challenged.  LOL  I took that as my required gym to graduate.  Mr. Schlamer was our teacher.  It was fun for the most part, archery, golfing, swimming and then he added running....I hated it!  

Our high school has the district bus barn at the end of the parking lot.  Mr. Schlamer had the class run from the high school, to the adjoining park and back.  Well, I wasn't going to do that!  So, as we ran past the bus barn, I stopped at a bus and pushed the door open and hid on the step.  I peeked to watch the others running to the park and back.  My friend, Fran, was so shocked that I did this!  I can still hear her say..."Jacky, no!"  But, I hate to, once the rest of the class reached the buses, I jumped out at the end and ran back to school - hahaha...I fooled them!  

Well, that worked so well, that it wasn't the end of my shenanigans.  At one of the next classes, Mr. Schlamer told the class to run around the school like 10 times or something - well, I knew I wasn't going to do that either!  So, after 1 lap I ran into the school and hid in the lunch room where they had a common area study hall.  I sat down and counted how many times the others ran around.  They were on their last lap and I felt this tap on my was Mr. Schlamer!  He escorted me outside and then told the whole class what happened and made us all run even more, boy were they mad at me!    

I've thought about and laughed about this for years.  Well, yesterday, I was in Goodwill and guess who I saw, Mr. Schlamer.  He was his friendly self, talking with all the customers, he even said "Hi" to me.  I smiled, returned the "hi" and walked down the next row.  Then, I went back and said..."do you remember every student?"  He said..."well, no, but I do remember you!"  I'm sure he didn't really, but I proceeded to regale him and his wife with these stories.  His wife was laughing and said "great stories" - he said..."do you want to know something, I do remember that!  I didn't know you were hiding, until another teacher came outside and told me."  All these years, I was wondering how he figured out what I was doing!  He didn't know about the bus story and said "that was a good idea!"  He told he me that he retired 17 years ago and is now living in Florida.  He was up visiting for the holidays.  I did share with him how blessed I am now and that I still don't like to run!  I was happy to see him and share this story.  I wanted to share it with you too.    

Blessings from Ringle, Wisconsin.  

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