Monday, February 8, 2021

Homemade Suet Cakes

 Cultivating Creativity - Homemade Suet Cakes

We had one of our "4H families" raise an extra hog for us this year.  When it was processed recently, I asked for some of the fat for making suet cakes.  

It's very easy to do.  We had some peanut butter powder that was expired so I added that in for flavor.  Start by melting your fat in a kettle.  When you do this, pieces of meat called "cracklings" will also fry out.  All you need do is drain that off.  When my mom was little, she said that the ate crackling sandwiches.  I'm sure that may be good, but my chickens are getting these (wink, wink).

Mix the peanut butter powder and birdseed, slowly add in the strained pork fat.  Stir together until well mixed and pour into pans for cooling.  Once hard enough, cut into squares roughly the size of a suet feeder.  I wrapped mine in foil and stored them in a container, as I don't want other critters to eat them.  

Nothing goes to waste here, cracklings for the chickens.

The weather forecast in Wisconsin this week is all in the negative range with double digits in wind chill.  The chickens could use an extra boost of protein and fat.  

Using everything is something I feel convicted about in herdsmanship and as a homesteader.  If you raise it, kill it, use it.  

Blessings from Ringle, Wisconsin.  


  1. Well aren't you the creative and clever one! While I am very familiar with cracklings (yes, I have eaten them), this is the first I have heard there is such a thing as peanut butter powder. Eeew. Stay warm and well! ~Robin~

    1. ahaha, I've eaten them too. Just this batch of fat was very pongent...ahahha. Peanut butter powder is what Al used in smoothy and such when he was training for a bench press competition. I never ate it either.

  2. I am sure the birds will love them! Janice

    1. They seem to and need it in this horrible cold snap.

  3. Impressive. I have never come across peanut butter powder either.

    1. The birds love it. The peanut butter powder is used to add protein without the fat. My husband likes to lift weights.

  4. so glad to have found you! I remember my grandmother doing this. They killed a hog and a cow each year. I have read through a couple of your posts when I have time to sit with a tea I will go through more. I love your basket there are basket classes here but I am afraid to take them I do not need one more hobby lol.

    1. Thanks I have to do the same with yours too. Here's to a new blog friendship.
