Thursday, October 29, 2015

Halloween 1970 Something

I've been reminiscing about my childhood Halloweens.  I must be getting old...because I've been thinking "those were the days".   I went to Schofield Elementary School and we had afternoon parties and costume parades in the gym.  The teachers picked the "best" costume for each category; scariest, funniest, most creative...etc.  

When I was in school only the "rich" kids had the store bought costumes with the cool masks.  Now thinking about it - those masks were terrible - you couldn't see or breathe.  I remember asking one girl if I could try on her mask, just to see what it was like...she said "OK, but don't get it all sweaty and stinky..."  I won't embarrass her now by saying who she was, but at that time, she was my "Nellie Olson!" 

Obviously, we had handmade costumes.   My mom was so creative - she had the best ideas!   With my braids, one year I was Pippi Longstockings.  My mom put a hanger in my hair to make it stand up.   I remember being a hobo, with handkerchief tied to stick; ghost with holes cut into a sheet; puppy dog, with felt ears; Pocahontas and a witch for several years.  

It was the witch costume that I won the scariest award at school.  I was in 5th grade and the rubber masks were just becoming popular.  I saw this green witch with a wart face at Kmart.  Oh, how I begged for that mom gave in and I finally had a "store" bought mask.   My mom had an old black dress, she cut the sleeves and hem all jagged and she made me a cape.  I had an old tree branch turned into a broom.  I can still see the teachers looking at me and wondering ... who is that?  It was scary. 

One year, Jim and Jeff Soukup dressed up like women - they both already had cute faces so it wasn't a stretch.  I will never forget what they looked like, they kept it a secret until the parade.  Then they both walked out with wigs, make up, balloons under their shirts, wearing heels and skirts....the whole gym was laughing.  No one ever did that before - those two were such clowns.  

We only went Trick or Treating on Halloween - no matter what day it fell on.  We went when it was dark, ran to every house and was truly happy and thankful for the candy.   Candy was a treat - we didn't get it often - so it was a BIG deal to run around and get FREE candy. 

I was always a chubby kid, my friend Kathy was tall, we didn't look like we were only 10 or in 5th grade.  I remember we went to this one house on Kort Street, we rang the doorbell and said "Trick or Treat" t0 which this lady said - "you two are too big for this" and closed the door on us.  We both were almost in tears.  

Halloween night in our neighborhood was so much fun.  We had large families - most with 5 0r 6 kids.  So, there was a lot of activity, running from door to door, scaring friends, jumping out at them from the bushes and all the glowing pumpkins.  Now that I think of it - it was the best times!

What was your favorite Halloween costume?

Blessings from Ringle, Wisconsin. 

1 comment:

  1. Some of my favorite memories were going to Grandma's house and trick or treating in that same neighborhood with a bunch of cousins! I also remember trying to be brave while sneaking past "Matilda" sitting on Grandma's front porch. (For those who don't know, "Matilda" was the scariest homemade doll. Grandma made it herself)
