Monday, October 12, 2020

Motivational Monday - Hopeful

 We've had beautiful weather the past several days.  Al had a vacation day on Friday, he was able to get so much accomplished here at the farm before the snow...comes.  I was set up at a sale Friday and Saturday.  Sunday, we worked on cleaning out our garden.  We both decided we are getting too old to have such a big garden.  I may give it a go again next year, I'm hopeful.  So that is the inspiration for this blog post to motivate us to be hopeful. 

Friends, the whole world has been rocked by events in 2020.   We here in the states, have had a rough time on multiple levels.  I never do political posts, but you would have to be living under a rock not to know what I'm talking about.  After all this, how can one be hopeful?  

I can only go to my core, the Bible.  I Thessalonians 1:3 "We remember before our God and Father your works produced by faith, your labor prompted by love, and your endurance inspired by hope in our Lord Jesus Christ."  My hope is in Jesus, not a government, politician, celebrity, pastor, group, organization...these things fail us.  Hope in Jesus is eteranal.

I conducted my last face-to-face (new word for 2020) event and now I look forward to moving in a different direction.  I will continue virtually, probably till spring 2021.  Wisconsin has become a new "hot spot" for Covid 19 - especially our area.  I don't live in fear of getting the virus, I try not to have faith and not live in any fear - like I said, my hope is in Jesus.  I am apprehensive about the election and the fall out from either side.  I am still hopeful in His plan for it all.  

If I break down hopeful in light of the scripture above, it is exactly how I feel today.  I do have faith in the works, God allowed me to complete with talents He has given me.  I did labor in love, I do enjoy what I do.  My endurance is inspired by my hope in Him and His will for my life.  I can rest in peace with that.  This motivates me to be hopeful for the "next" thing, event, idea, garden, chore, role...whatever...He has planned.

I am also hopeful that you my reader, can find some peace in these crazy days, in whatever it is that you hold to your core.  Cling to it.  Rely on it.  Be hopeful.  

Blessings from Ringle, Wisconsin.