Monday, October 19, 2020

Motivational Monday - Help

Good Motivational Monday Morning.  

I don't have a problem with thinking up ideas, dreaming, planning, scheming.  It's the finished product, clean house, laundry put away, where I seem to fall short.  

I just can't stay motivated when I don't like something, or get bored with what it is, I "have" to do.  I know, I would be happier, waste less time thinking, even worrying about it, if I would just finish the project.  Oh, I've planned for the finished product, dremt where it would go, how to decorate with it, kind of thing.  That I'm good at that.  

When I do, finally "make" myself do it, I am so happy.  I just need a kick in the keister along the way.  Now don't try to do this to me...I will punch you in the face...ya, I'm that too.  I hate to have people TELL me what to do!  So, I'm stuck...I need ideas or "mid project motivation."

So, today, I wanted to ask you, how do you stay motivated?  Please let me know, give me some tips, but not the "know it all kind"...I hate those!  Ahahaha

I love this quote from Bob Nueske!  World famous, Nueske's - applewood bacon!  Wittenberg is just a bit east of me.  

Blessings from Ringle, Wisconsin.  


  1. If you find the answer let me know! I also find it difficult to stay motivated if something bores me. I've tried rewarding myself - doesn't work lol. I do find that when (I get motivated) I make lists and if I see something written down I tend to do it as I like to see things checked off.

    1. I tried the reward too, ahahhaa. I do like the lists too. One time I made myself keep the list in a notebook until I finally crossed everything was months...ahahah I'm probably back to that point again. I am currently now writing down what I get done too, so I can go back at end of week and see..."well, see I did get alot done."

  2. Wow...I love that quote!! I have never heard it before and didn't know he was such an eloquent philosopher. Ha! You're looking for insights on staying motivated??? You're asking the wrong chica LOL. When I started reading the post about how you know you'd be happier, waste less time, etc. if you just finished a project, I was hoping you were going to enlighten me on how to "get there." ;-) I used to be so very much better....but the older I get, the worse it seems to get. I think that is partly because not working outside the home any longer, I can "afford" (ahem) to waste time that previously I couldn't....I can "afford" to be inefficient. But, more than that, it's equal parts distraction and avoidance I think.... My friends/acquaintances who know me, know exactly when this happens and chide me for "chasing squirrels"...I truly think it's the onset of a severe case of adult ADD.... The only coping mechanism I know of now days is to make myself finish a less-than-fun project is to force myself to acknowledge that I am procrastinating and avoiding and then set a reward....IF I do "that" (and ONLY if I do "that" and finish "that), then I can do....(insert fun thing....and hopefully it isn't eating cheesecake or chocolate LOL). Not ideal, and not foolproof by any means, but better than nothing at all. I do also focus on how that "unfinished" thing is like a monkey on my back and how much better I will feel when I rehome that monkey. ;-) I'll be interested to hearing what other suggestions you get! ~Robin~

    1. I'm laughing! For real, it scares me sometimes when I think of how we are to peas in a pod. Yes, I feel exactly same, monekey on the back, in a barrel, "Squirrel" from the movie Up and the dog...I have people say that to me all the time. I'm glad I'm in good company!
