Tuesday, April 30, 2013
Saturday, April 27, 2013
Walking and Working in the Woods
It is beautiful here today in Marathon County Wisconsin! This time of year is the best time to go for walks in the woods - no bugs or deer flies yet. Anna and I set off to find Al in the back woods making trails. We started out good on a trail. However, we were looking for sheds and went off trail - not a good idea. You know how I said I was 1/4 Native American - I did NOT inherit the "trappin and trackin" genes. I have no sense of direction! I know the sun rises in the east, sets in the west; moss grows on the north side of the trees; most streams run south - basics. Well, we had an adventure. We couldn't hear our chickens or sheep anymore, so I knew we were lost. I found the stream by us - Molebrook and we followed it to the bridge....yikes...it was cold and deep! Here are a few pictures to enjoy!
Something was living in here - there were a lot of tracks in the mud. I was afraid it was a Badger or Fisher, so I turned around...:)
Wearing shorts seemed like a good idea - not so much with the pickery bushes by the water...
When we got to the road we saw this turtle sunning himself on the side of the bridge. We walked back home on the road. I did go back out and find Al working on trails.
He is working on 3 more trails along our property edge - it will be new places for trail and 4 wheeler rides.
When I was walking, I almost stepped on a bird - an American Woodcock. She was sitting on her nest. I didn't get a picture of her, she was too fast.
On the way back out, she was back on the nest.
Still some snow...
Just a beautiful morning in the woods.
Blessings from Ringle, Wisconsin.
Something was living in here - there were a lot of tracks in the mud. I was afraid it was a Badger or Fisher, so I turned around...:)
Wearing shorts seemed like a good idea - not so much with the pickery bushes by the water...
When we got to the road we saw this turtle sunning himself on the side of the bridge. We walked back home on the road. I did go back out and find Al working on trails.
He is working on 3 more trails along our property edge - it will be new places for trail and 4 wheeler rides.
When I was walking, I almost stepped on a bird - an American Woodcock. She was sitting on her nest. I didn't get a picture of her, she was too fast.
On the way back out, she was back on the nest.
Still some snow...
Just a beautiful morning in the woods.
Blessings from Ringle, Wisconsin.
Friday, April 26, 2013
Weight Watchers 10% Goal

I finally got the key chain - 10% weight loss. It wasn't the easiest thing I have had to do. Here's to a milestone in my "evaluate your life challenge" I made last fall. I don't think Weight Watcher's is a hard plan to follow - in fact the first 20 pounds came off really fast. I know that this will have to be how I live now - placing a point value on each food choice I make. I often look at something and say "is this point worthy?" Do I really want to waste my points on that? So, with the scale going down, the sun shinning and warmer weather on the way...I have a new outlook on myself and the plan I must follow. Yay to me! :)
Blessings from Ringle, Wisconsin
4-H Sewing Project
My great-nephews, Caleb, Ethan and Silas are in my 4-H group. They are homeschooled, so I made arrangements with them to come over to their house during the day and teach them how to sew. We made simple pajama pants. We had alot of fun and I enjoyed the one one time with each of them. Now they want to learn how to make pillow cases....pinterest searching for an easy pattern.
Thursday, April 25, 2013
Wednesday, April 24, 2013
A Few Good Things About a Long Winter
Last year at this time, my little corner of this world - Ringle, Wisconsin, was setting records for one of the warmest Springs on record. We had trees budding out, green grass, tulips...you know. However, on or about this date last year, we had a hard frost and snow storm - it is Wisconsin after all. Those tender buds froze and dropped off - hence, a bad flowering fruit tree year - no apples or cherries. The record temperatures stopped the maple trees from doing what many in our area depend on - having sap run for syrup. The people who depend on the income from these industries were really hurting.
So, as I look out the window this morning, listening to my furnace "kick in", I won't be disappointed in the weather. Mother Nature might have Spring coming a little late - when it does finally arrive it will be so much sweeter - along with the abundant maple syrup.
Blessings from Ringle, Wisconsin.

So, as I look out the window this morning, listening to my furnace "kick in", I won't be disappointed in the weather. Mother Nature might have Spring coming a little late - when it does finally arrive it will be so much sweeter - along with the abundant maple syrup.
Blessings from Ringle, Wisconsin.

Ecclesiastes 3:1
To every thing there is a season, and a time to every purpose under the heaven:
Sunday, April 21, 2013
Clerked an Auction Today
Vikki was married to my cousin. He passed on from brain cancer. They had 2 children together. So today, was kinda a family day, as her son, Billy and granddaughter, Victoria also worked the sale.
Vikki also has a blog, http://hikchik-hikchik.blogspot.com/
I did get some great items. We bought a huge gold ornate framed mirror along with some small framed ones for Justine's wedding. She also got a box of vintage shoes - some cute ones to "bling" out to wear on her wedding day. I also bought some Red Wing dishes - really nice.
It was busy and fun. Blessing from Ringle, Wisconsin.
Friday, April 19, 2013
I WON - Our Crazy Farm Blog Giveaway - Soap!
I had a lucky week - as I won 2 blog giveaways.
This one is from Terri at Our Crazy Farm http://ourcrazyfarm.blogspot.com/2013/04/a-soapy-give-away.html also at http://nubiansdelight.blogspot.com/
These soaps smell soooo good! I've tried them before and they are very nice. Thanks Terri!
Also, when you check on her blog...please read Trent's Story. Trent is her son, who passed on after a skiing accident. She wrote a book called "How My Savior Leads Me." It is an excellent example of Godly faith in tragedy. How she learned (learning) to give God glory through it all. You can also purchase her book - it is very good!
I didn't know Terri, just happened upon her blog through a comment she left on another. This is an example of how God uses this "bloggy world" as a ministry - if you let Him. :)
Blessings from Ringle, Wisconsin.
This one is from Terri at Our Crazy Farm http://ourcrazyfarm.blogspot.com/2013/04/a-soapy-give-away.html also at http://nubiansdelight.blogspot.com/
These soaps smell soooo good! I've tried them before and they are very nice. Thanks Terri!
Also, when you check on her blog...please read Trent's Story. Trent is her son, who passed on after a skiing accident. She wrote a book called "How My Savior Leads Me." It is an excellent example of Godly faith in tragedy. How she learned (learning) to give God glory through it all. You can also purchase her book - it is very good!
I didn't know Terri, just happened upon her blog through a comment she left on another. This is an example of how God uses this "bloggy world" as a ministry - if you let Him. :)
Blessings from Ringle, Wisconsin.
Earth Day 4-H Project - Bird Treat
"hey, what's that?"...
"let me get a closer look..."
By the way...those white flecks are snow. April 19 and still snowing in Wisconsin. Blessings from Ringle.
Tuesday, April 16, 2013
Little Red Squirrel
What a cutie pie. My husband calls them "tree rats." I was able to get this picture while standing on the back porch. The other ones where through the door.
I toasted some almonds - a little too long - boy did he/she love them.
He ran down, I think he wanted to hide....
I didn't even get back into the kitchen to look out the window and he was back in the feeder. I don't care...he is hungry too.
Remember "Little Ratty Buck?" He is still hanging around. His injury on his hind leg looks better and filling in with fur.
They found the chicken coop. I throw out scraps for the chickens. Here is one running away when I opened the door.
Blessings from Ringle, Wisconsin.
Sunday, April 14, 2013
I WON - Blog Giveaway From Jade
I won this cute bag and Flea Market Style magazine from Junkn Jadarie (Jade). Here is a link to her blog.
She sells these on Etsy. Here is the link: http://www.etsy.com/listing/97270775/green-floral-tapestry-handbag-ready-to?ref=pr_shop
I love it! The fabric choice is totally me. I will be stylin this bag this week at the Junk Bonanza in Shakopee, MN.
Jade's mom has been a customer of mine for years. At this time Jade must have been in college and not around here. Two or three years ago, she introduced herself to me at the Ringle Harvest Day and we have been bloggy friends since.
She has stepped out on faith and decided to "do this" full time. I know how scary that is...I did it too. I want to be as helpful to her as I can. So, if you are looking for a cute purse or bag - keep her in mind.
She also has an account for the treasures she finds. She has been doing some flea markets too. Good luck Jade! Thanks for the cute bag.
Blessings from Ringle, Wisconsin.
Saturday, April 13, 2013
Mother Daughter Day
I love Mother Daughter days. Just because my nest will be empty...doesn't mean we won't continue with this tradition. If Anna ends up in Milwaukee or Justine in places North of here...we will just have to road trip it. For now, at least another year or so, we will enjoy each other's company here.
This is how our day went. Friday is our Weight Watcher's day. I take care of my Mom every Friday during the school year from 7 - 8:30 (ish) am. Then we go to our class...
Our class is at 9 am. We don't eat breakfast before we weigh in. We stop and eat before we go grocery shopping for my Mom. Today, however, we flipped that so we could go to lunch at Johanna May's Tea House. This place is so cute! Very good tea. It is so popular you need to make a reservation. The food is delicious.
Then we did a ceramics project at The Clay House.
This cute studio/shop has been open for about 9 months. It is owned by Gretchen Kluz. I went to high school with her and her sister. My girls went to grade school with her daughters. She is a graphic artist had had a successful business with that. Her Mom passed on from cancer and decided that life was too short not to do what you LOVE to do. My philosophy too. I was blown away by her art, painted walls and cute shop. We were on the PTA together and did our little grade school's year book - but, I had NO idea how artistically talented she was. Her original paintings and designs are super nice! I didn't know they had gourmet, hand made food and candies. Next time, we will order a tomato, basil pizza. Here is a link to her page: http://clayhouseonline.com/
We had a great day together, an investment in our relationship and memories that are priceless.
Blessings from Ringle, Wisconsin.
This is how our day went. Friday is our Weight Watcher's day. I take care of my Mom every Friday during the school year from 7 - 8:30 (ish) am. Then we go to our class...
Our class is at 9 am. We don't eat breakfast before we weigh in. We stop and eat before we go grocery shopping for my Mom. Today, however, we flipped that so we could go to lunch at Johanna May's Tea House. This place is so cute! Very good tea. It is so popular you need to make a reservation. The food is delicious.
(The only sign of Spring - these silk flowers)
This cute studio/shop has been open for about 9 months. It is owned by Gretchen Kluz. I went to high school with her and her sister. My girls went to grade school with her daughters. She is a graphic artist had had a successful business with that. Her Mom passed on from cancer and decided that life was too short not to do what you LOVE to do. My philosophy too. I was blown away by her art, painted walls and cute shop. We were on the PTA together and did our little grade school's year book - but, I had NO idea how artistically talented she was. Her original paintings and designs are super nice! I didn't know they had gourmet, hand made food and candies. Next time, we will order a tomato, basil pizza. Here is a link to her page: http://clayhouseonline.com/
We had a great day together, an investment in our relationship and memories that are priceless.
Blessings from Ringle, Wisconsin.
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