Thursday, November 19, 2020

Things I've Been Thinking About

 Ever get into a writing "funk?"  I guess, that's where I'm at.  My regualar themed weekly posts, nahh just not into it.  I am sure I'm not alone in saying, that this year has offered all of us loads of things to reflect on.  I don't "do" political posts, so this won't be any of that.

My 2020 word of the year is PROGRESSION.  I know the word of the year thing is getting old to some, but not to me.  I usually start making a list of interesting words that come to my attention, from now till end of year.  These are words that when I hear them, it pricks something in my heart.  I put them in a hat and draw one on January 1.  I let "fate" pick it.  That's how I roll.

So, today's post is on somethings I thought of lately that runs the path of my progression.  I don't know what word fate could possibly pick for me in 2021 that would better fit me than this year's word.  That word gave me direction.  I joined Noom, lost over 20 pounds and still working on, Covid stopped my being able to sell for others and focus on cleaning out my "stash" and I even sought out counseling for my personality weaknesses.  I really made some remarkable progression.  In doing so, I found these things to be true and I hope they can help you too.

1.  See worth in who I am JUST the way I am.  This, for me, was an inside kind of healing, but once I worked on that, my outside changed too and for the better.

2.  You can't escape who you are, no matter how much you socially distance.  I've always said, "I have to live with me" as a way to keep myself in check.  No amount of distancing from someone or problem will be a true escape, until you accept yourself and others for who THEY are and face those difficult issues in your life.

3.  What I WANT isn't what will make me happy.  I've wanted all kinds of things for myself, events to create, places to sell, spaces to stage - all of "that" for someone or place other than for me and here.  I found happiness in my own "stash" and created a new selling experience for my business that I had no idea of doing prior to Covid.  That leads me to this one....

4.  EMBRACE the opportunities in front of you instead of those you wish were there.  "There's no place like home" kinda for me.  InstaSHAM, FAKEbook feeds really had me down - "if I only could do that" or "I wish I had that opportunity" - stop it Dicky Bird, look around - your opportunity abounds!

5.  Reflect on NEEDS vs. WANTS - physically, emotionally, mentally and spirtually.  This is far more deep than just "I want a crock but I don't need one" kind of thing.  For me, it was way more than that, although, I did do a lot of that too.  Or rather, didn't do, I'm not sure how to say that - didn't buy much.

I plan to do more posts like this before the year's end.  I just have had an amazing PROGRESSION this year.  I hate to even say it, because I hate bragging....remember my post "there's a fine line in sayin' and braggin' "  I've just been working on accepting my reality as an opportunity to grow and put in some work on myself.  You know it's been said, one can work to live or live to work.  That applies to more than a 9-5.  

Blessings from Ringle, Wisconsin.  


  1. This month is getting to me with the isolation of not being with my family for Thanksgiving. Your post reminded me that even though I am feeling sad, I know others are probably having a harder time and I need to be thankful for the blessings I do have. Janice

    1. We all need to do that; reflect on our blessings and truthfully pray for others to have more. Thanks for the kind words. I don't know what I would do without all your comments. I don't have many that leave them, so I appreciate the 3 of you who faithfully do!

  2. I can't imagine how much thought you have put into what you have written here...I know I will need to reread it even more times than I already have to completely absorb the truths here. I know people who have turned the challenges and restrictions of 2020 into positives - cleaning out closets, rearranging furniture, reconnecting with family traditions, cooking and baking again, etc., but you have reached much deeper and really have made a miserable chapter in our history into something (many things, actually) remarkable. I truly admire you for that and hope you can clearly see, appreciate....and take time to celebrate your impressive victories. ~Robin~

    1. Thanks, I really have been trying, that's for sure. I appreciate your kind and insightful comments, I really do! I admire you as well! You're so talented in word and deeds.

  3. It's been really good watching your progression this year! You've done such hard work. Congrats on the weight loss. It isn't easy.

    I would have to look back at my blog to even remember what my word of the year was. That wasn't how I wanted to be. I've just been struggling this year. I do already have an idea for next year though so I'll brush it off and start again then.

    1. Thank you! I do appreciate your following along on all my things. Your comments and kind words mean so much to me! I can't wait to hear what the word is! I haven't heard any yet, that has pricked my heart...I need to start listening more for them. I brush off and start again - every day.
