We all know the saying: "Can't teach an old dog new tricks" that's not true. A willing dog at any age can learn a new trick. I guess this is the direction I've been thinking on lately in working on fulfilling my, PROGRESSION, word of the year journey.
I know, some of us think we know the 411 on just about any subject - been there, done that - kind of a mentality. I've been guilty of thinking this on occasion myself. I have to admit, I was recently "slapped in the face" with something that really made me stop and think...."yep, even this old dog" can learn a few tricks from some of these pups. The old dog offers wisdom, the pup vitality. Let's not overlook the value of that!
My 5 tips on "old dog & tricks:"
1. Get off the porch, no laying in the sun, watching the pups playing in the yard...get involved. Now don't run down the steps and bark out orders on things they are doing wrong...you may know it's not going work that way...let them figure it out. They won't want to play with you if you are all bark.
2. You understand that you need to chase the rabbit in the hole, you've done this for years, but guess what, there may be an easier way to do it now. Watch how the pups are doing it. Yep, they may have a few tricks you didn't think about. You've been napping on the porch, they've been chasing the rabbit.
3. Once you've watched the pups and their tricks, try them out. Ask them to join in and maybe collaborate on "chasing the rabbit." Share with the pups how the old dogs did it. Trust me, they want to know how you have been able to chase the rabbit for so long. You have tried and true tricks too. Share your wisdom with them, just don't bite them with it.
4. You may have the loyalty and heart, the pup needs to earn. Be willing to share. Understand that, old dog or pup, the treats are the same.
5. Keep your nose to the ground. Don't chase your tail or beg for treats. Know when to sit and when to stay. These tricks take practice.
I was looking at different characteristics of dog breeds. I am most definitely a terrier:
Terriers are brave, mischievous, energetic, active, fearless, independent, playful, and cheerful. However, without proper training, they can be stubborn, and cause a lot of problems.
I'm laughing.....for real!
Blessings from Ringle, Wisconsin.
Tuesday, February 25, 2020
Monday, February 24, 2020
Motivational Monday - Zip-a-dee-doo-dah
I woke this morning thinking on what I had to do. I am so happy I double checked, as I had a doctor appointment at 8:30 that I thought was 10:30....anyway....Lisa and I have this "thing" we say....when we need to get on our way...especially when we are working an estate and we are trying to motivate ourselves....zip-a-dee-doo-dah!
That is what I was singing as I quickly ran out the door.
Zip-a-dee-doo-dah, zip-a-dee-ay,
My, oh, my, what a wonderful day
Plenty of sunshine headin' my way
Zip-a-dee-doo-dah, zip-a-dee-ay!
Music can be motivating and get you moving. Just ask the driver pulled over for speeding, "officer, I was listening to..." (well, maybe that's only me). But, seriously it can be. Just watch a toddler when you turn on some happy tunes! Jumping around, dancing, singing and happy to just be. Remember the song, "pick up, clean up, put the toys away" - music motivates. Only my song is "pick up, clean up, pack the junk away" - help!
So, today if you are feeling a bit lackluster, bust into a song! Start singing something. I'm telling you, before you know it...."zip-a-dee-doo-dah, zip-a-dee-ay! Wonderful feeling, wonderful day!"
Blessings from Ringle, Wisconsin.
That is what I was singing as I quickly ran out the door.
Zip-a-dee-doo-dah, zip-a-dee-ay,
My, oh, my, what a wonderful day
Plenty of sunshine headin' my way
Zip-a-dee-doo-dah, zip-a-dee-ay!
Music can be motivating and get you moving. Just ask the driver pulled over for speeding, "officer, I was listening to..." (well, maybe that's only me). But, seriously it can be. Just watch a toddler when you turn on some happy tunes! Jumping around, dancing, singing and happy to just be. Remember the song, "pick up, clean up, put the toys away" - music motivates. Only my song is "pick up, clean up, pack the junk away" - help!
So, today if you are feeling a bit lackluster, bust into a song! Start singing something. I'm telling you, before you know it...."zip-a-dee-doo-dah, zip-a-dee-ay! Wonderful feeling, wonderful day!"
Blessings from Ringle, Wisconsin.
Friday, February 21, 2020
Natural Cycle to Creating - Stop, Reflect, Recharge
Are you starting to wake or warm up? March is around the corner and hibernation time is almost done. Truthfully, that is how I feel. I really enjoy winter!!! It's my time to rest and reboot. Our bodies need that. When February rolls around, I listen to the the advice of Mr. Groundhog. Will I take time for more rest or slowly come alive? I say all of this in jest, but truth is, when you devote your whole self into a project, event or activity, you need time to stop, reflect and recharge.
I make a living out of being creative. Now, I said LIVING not MONEY as often times, I've learned, these are not the same. I'm living to create and creating to live. Maybe only an artist will get that. I often hear, "what are you going to do next? or what's happening next?" Hey, I don't even know what I'm wearing...today, I've been "living" in same clothes for 3 days....I can't even...this is true! It's - Stop, Reflect, Recharge time.....
O.k. with all that said....there is a cycle to creating. The best way to explain it is to take note of nature. Seed, water, light, growth, weed, bloom, fruit, harvest...kinda thing. It applies to creating and creativity; a parallel anology!
At one time, I had someone say to me "Jacky, there are NO original ideas left!" I respect this person, but that right there is FAKE news! One can still be original and offer new ideals! People do it all the time. I can bet though, that it's after a time of....stop, reflect and recharge! This will allow one to feel inspired and count on their creativity.
So....here is something we are doing, "It's a LEAP of an Antique Tea:
I'm collaborating with our daughter, Anna, who is building a business called, Stone Silo Bakery.
We will be hosting this event as an opportunity to take advance of Leap Year .... heehee .... and to offer you an opportunity to rest, reflect and recharge. Here is our itinerary and menue.
I make a living out of being creative. Now, I said LIVING not MONEY as often times, I've learned, these are not the same. I'm living to create and creating to live. Maybe only an artist will get that. I often hear, "what are you going to do next? or what's happening next?" Hey, I don't even know what I'm wearing...today, I've been "living" in same clothes for 3 days....I can't even...this is true! It's - Stop, Reflect, Recharge time.....
O.k. with all that said....there is a cycle to creating. The best way to explain it is to take note of nature. Seed, water, light, growth, weed, bloom, fruit, harvest...kinda thing. It applies to creating and creativity; a parallel anology!
At one time, I had someone say to me "Jacky, there are NO original ideas left!" I respect this person, but that right there is FAKE news! One can still be original and offer new ideals! People do it all the time. I can bet though, that it's after a time of....stop, reflect and recharge! This will allow one to feel inspired and count on their creativity.
So....here is something we are doing, "It's a LEAP of an Antique Tea:
I'm collaborating with our daughter, Anna, who is building a business called, Stone Silo Bakery.
We will be hosting this event as an opportunity to take advance of Leap Year .... heehee .... and to offer you an opportunity to rest, reflect and recharge. Here is our itinerary and menue.
“It’s a LEAP of an Antique Tea” - February 29, 2020
Hosted by: Town Hall Trinkets, LLC - Ringle, WI
Stone Silo Bakery - New Holstein, WI
Hosted by: Town Hall Trinkets, LLC - Ringle, WI
Stone Silo Bakery - New Holstein, WI
Menu & Schedule:
10 a.m. - Scones: Lemon Blueberry
Raspberry Almond
Raspberry Almond
“Antique Study”
“Table Scape Challenge”
“Table Scape Challenge”
Noon - Soup: Tomato Basil
Chicken & Rice
Bread: Rustic Roasted Garlic Rosemary
Chicken & Rice
Bread: Rustic Roasted Garlic Rosemary
Dessert: Creme Brulee
Lemon Tarts
Lemon Tarts
1:00 p.m. - “Repurposed Project”
Cost for event is $25.00 - includes everything
Grandma’s House LLC - 174401 Cty Rd. N. Ringle
Class limited to 20 - please register, thanks
Grandma’s House LLC - 174401 Cty Rd. N. Ringle
Class limited to 20 - please register, thanks
If you are interested in joining us for a few hours of learning, eating, creativity and fun, please click on the link above and let us know. Thanks.
This event, kicks off my calendar or should I say LEAP.... I've had some time to stop, reflect, recharge and I'm raring to go.
Blessings from Ringle, Wisconsin.
Tuesday, February 18, 2020
Tips on Tuesday - Thrift Shopping
"Ancient Chinese Secret"....no this isn't Calgon. Somehow I always date myself in these posts.
Thrifting - yay or nay?
I say Yay, yea and you bet I do! So, I've gathered a few tips in my 50 odd years of thrifting. Yes, it's in my gene pool. Thrifting may have begun as a necessity, because we come from a huge family, however, the thrill of the hunt fueled the flames of our thrifting passion. I don't NEED to, rather I LIKE to.
5 Tips for Thrift Shopping:
1. Shop the actual thrift shops first. You know the church or organizational ones that use the profits to benefit their organization or school. I say this because they are not for profit. In my opinion, they take their donated items (FREE) and mark them to sell them. Every dollar made stays with them so they WANT to sell it. Some of the other thrift shops have too high of a mark up on their inventory, as they are more of a corporation. That's great, but the best deals are at the other.
2. With that in mind, the chain of stores I am thinking of have color tag days. If you happen to see something you like at that store, ask what day that color tag will be on sale. Maybe even push that item to the back of the rest or "hide" it....teehee... Go back and purchase early on that day it's marked down. More than likely, if you feel an item is marked too high, others do too and it will still be there. I've also said, even at this store, "Hey, on Tuesday this item will be half off, will you ask the manager if they will take "$" today?" It works.
3. Just like retail shopping, look at the bottom shelf. You need to dig, move items around. As you are shopping, you may find something interesting in another area than you may not have stocked it in. For instance, I find so many wool blankets by the pet items. I guess while stocking their inventory, they think dog blankets, but I wash them and sell them...who am I kidding...I rarely sell wool!
4. Bring wipes, hand sanitizer - sometimes, not everything gets cleaned before stocked. I've left thrifting many times with my hands feeling dirty. Frankly, I'd rather buy something a bit dirty for less and wash it myself.
5. Make it a family outing. We've planned many trips around the thrift shops of certain towns. I know I resell, but thrifting can teach children the value of a dollar. Especially when they have earned their dollar (but that's for another post). Our girls, at every age, appreciated thrifting. Now women with their own homes and family to care for this tradition carries on. Thanks Grandpa Kincaid - for the genes and fuel that fires our thrifting passion.
You may even find some of your old inventory while shopping! I/we forgot to pull this tag. LOL
Blessings from Ringle, Wisconsin.
Thrifting - yay or nay?
I say Yay, yea and you bet I do! So, I've gathered a few tips in my 50 odd years of thrifting. Yes, it's in my gene pool. Thrifting may have begun as a necessity, because we come from a huge family, however, the thrill of the hunt fueled the flames of our thrifting passion. I don't NEED to, rather I LIKE to.
5 Tips for Thrift Shopping:
1. Shop the actual thrift shops first. You know the church or organizational ones that use the profits to benefit their organization or school. I say this because they are not for profit. In my opinion, they take their donated items (FREE) and mark them to sell them. Every dollar made stays with them so they WANT to sell it. Some of the other thrift shops have too high of a mark up on their inventory, as they are more of a corporation. That's great, but the best deals are at the other.
2. With that in mind, the chain of stores I am thinking of have color tag days. If you happen to see something you like at that store, ask what day that color tag will be on sale. Maybe even push that item to the back of the rest or "hide" it....teehee... Go back and purchase early on that day it's marked down. More than likely, if you feel an item is marked too high, others do too and it will still be there. I've also said, even at this store, "Hey, on Tuesday this item will be half off, will you ask the manager if they will take "$" today?" It works.
3. Just like retail shopping, look at the bottom shelf. You need to dig, move items around. As you are shopping, you may find something interesting in another area than you may not have stocked it in. For instance, I find so many wool blankets by the pet items. I guess while stocking their inventory, they think dog blankets, but I wash them and sell them...who am I kidding...I rarely sell wool!
4. Bring wipes, hand sanitizer - sometimes, not everything gets cleaned before stocked. I've left thrifting many times with my hands feeling dirty. Frankly, I'd rather buy something a bit dirty for less and wash it myself.
5. Make it a family outing. We've planned many trips around the thrift shops of certain towns. I know I resell, but thrifting can teach children the value of a dollar. Especially when they have earned their dollar (but that's for another post). Our girls, at every age, appreciated thrifting. Now women with their own homes and family to care for this tradition carries on. Thanks Grandpa Kincaid - for the genes and fuel that fires our thrifting passion.
You may even find some of your old inventory while shopping! I/we forgot to pull this tag. LOL
Blessings from Ringle, Wisconsin.
Monday, February 17, 2020
Motivational Monday - Q&A
You all know why I write these Motivational Monday posts right?!?.......Because, I need motivating.....EVERY day!
That is what this post is about Q&A for tips not just for you who is reading this, but me....the "motivator"....ahahaha
Several years ago, when my girls still lived at home, someone paid me a compliment about being so motivated....something like....you get so much done! One of my daughters, if you know them, I'm sure you can guess which one..wink, wink..said "Mom, she does not know you...or something like...if she could only see you know....sitting in your recliner watching t.v." Yes, guilty as charged!
One thing I love about one of the you tube channels I follow is that she tells us..."now, I can't get ALL of this done by myself, I hire help." Another was "I only cleaned the space behind my camera, if you saw the rest of the room you'd quit watching." I love the honesty. It's the same for me here.
So for my tip to motivate yourself is - preach to yourself.
My brother, who is my pastor, says something all the time. I think I've mentioned it before. He says "I wish I had me a preachin' church." It was hard for me to "get" this at first, but now I do. I just told a friend the other day..."preach" to yourself. Speak positive things about you, your situation or whatever.
I did it this, preached to myself this very morning. I had to motivate myself to go in for an MRI. I don't like the feeling of being held down or having to keep still (anxiety) and I do NOT like to take pills. I could have taken a pill to calm me down, but then, I would have needed a driver to take me home. So, I had to preach to myself. The tech put on my headphones, I closed my eyes and started praying "I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me" Over and over....until, it was done! Use your words, only if they are kind ones, to motivate yourself. I used scripture, you could a favorite quote. Preach it to yourself.
O.k. so, here's the Q&A part. Please share, it may help us. How do your motivate yourself?
Blessings from Ringle, Wisconsin.
That is what this post is about Q&A for tips not just for you who is reading this, but me....the "motivator"....ahahaha
Several years ago, when my girls still lived at home, someone paid me a compliment about being so motivated....something like....you get so much done! One of my daughters, if you know them, I'm sure you can guess which one..wink, wink..said "Mom, she does not know you...or something like...if she could only see you know....sitting in your recliner watching t.v." Yes, guilty as charged!
One thing I love about one of the you tube channels I follow is that she tells us..."now, I can't get ALL of this done by myself, I hire help." Another was "I only cleaned the space behind my camera, if you saw the rest of the room you'd quit watching." I love the honesty. It's the same for me here.
So for my tip to motivate yourself is - preach to yourself.
My brother, who is my pastor, says something all the time. I think I've mentioned it before. He says "I wish I had me a preachin' church." It was hard for me to "get" this at first, but now I do. I just told a friend the other day..."preach" to yourself. Speak positive things about you, your situation or whatever.
I did it this, preached to myself this very morning. I had to motivate myself to go in for an MRI. I don't like the feeling of being held down or having to keep still (anxiety) and I do NOT like to take pills. I could have taken a pill to calm me down, but then, I would have needed a driver to take me home. So, I had to preach to myself. The tech put on my headphones, I closed my eyes and started praying "I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me" Over and over....until, it was done! Use your words, only if they are kind ones, to motivate yourself. I used scripture, you could a favorite quote. Preach it to yourself.
O.k. so, here's the Q&A part. Please share, it may help us. How do your motivate yourself?
Blessings from Ringle, Wisconsin.
Sunday, February 16, 2020
New Inventory for Town Hall Trinkets, LLC
My business is Town Hall Trinkets, LLC: https://www.facebook.com/Town-Hall-Trinkets-LLC-729693193716630/ If you want to follow along.
I always go look....when people call "I have this or that for sale" because, you never know. I asked Al to come with me as he has been so good at helping me to say "No" I really don't need more stuff to sell. So, Al and I took off on a cold late afternoon driving over an hour north of us to look at a buy out. It was a cottage or retirement home that due to a death was put on the market that day. It was one of those, "it needs to be out in days" kind of thing.
As we walked around the premise, the gentleman had a story for every piece. They were really nice things, all purchased retail at antique shops. I told him we would talk about a price and get back to him. After we pulled no more than a block down the road, we both decided that we probably wouldn't be able to buy this one out. However, we did like it all. As in...maybe keeping some of it....I know, Al was supposed to be "Mr. No" but, he turned into "Mr. Let's Keep." Sometimes we aren't good for each other.
Long story short, a bit over a week later, we were back with my great-nephew Ethan, filling our trailer. I'm thankful we had him to help, my back isn't what it use to be. I'm also thankful we had a warmer day and the flurries held off until we were on our way home. I was tickled with this piece of pyrography. Lisa told me what it was, I didn't know the word pyrography, until she explained it to me. Anyway, I love it.
I took a few things over to Theme: https://www.facebook.com/THEMEWausau/ the periodical shop I sell at. Most of it is still here, waiting to see what we will keep or at least switch out. Help us Lord.
I had a sweet customer recently say, "I want to be you when I grow up." "No, you don't" I told her, "be better than me." Honestly and for the record, I know this all seems like fun and it has been and still is, the problem is with comparing. I just don't want anyone to compare themselves with me and I don't want and try hard not to, compare myself with others. Or even compare what they pick, how they pick, where they sell, how they sell - it's all unhealthy! I recently found an acronym that so applies in this business, OCD - obsessive comparison disorder. I can't tell you how true that is! I refuse to be one of those that show and tell....and tell....and tell....it's all too much! There is a fine line here, because I am self-employed; you know as in president, sales team, purchasing department and marketing. If I don't share as in marketing, how will anyone know what I have. The struggle is real my friend. Thanks for those who do follow along and for all the support! I appreciate it. I will add, enjoy what you do, how you do it, share it if you so desire, but think on the OCD of the business. Let's let this make us all better.
Blessings from Ringle, Wisconsin.
Saturday, February 15, 2020
Progression Passion

The past couple of weeks of progression have been filled with appointments, tests and therapy. In going and engaging with healing, I've become passionate about doing what I'm supposed to do. In the past, I didn't take the physical therapy to heart. In the past, I may have laughed off hurt feelings and continued with some bad habits that I now understand to be more damaging to me than I knew. I am on my own journey and I that's what I need to focus on - my journey. If you don't mind, I'll share pieces of it, here and there this year. I do so in hopes that maybe I can help someone on their journey.
Blessings from Ringle, Wisconsin.
Friday, February 14, 2020
The "Heart"beat of the Market
I've missed a week or maybe it's two.
You all know I'm the "master procrastinator" right?! Anyway, I did not disappoint, in fulfilling that title yet again...thank the Lord for Lisa's ability to "get it done."
Last fall, we bought out an estate in Hortonville, WI. As we packed it all up, we put inventory in boxes for the Wausau Antique Show and Tansy Hill Barn Baazar for 2020. We knew then, that we would have a mid-century modern type of a booth, because of what was there. We normally have a girly booth with buttons, lace, linens, postcards, Valentines....but, hey, you sell what you buy right! Truthfully, we were doing this a test. "This is a test of the market, this is only a test, if it were an actually emergency...." - remember those? Well, if it was a test, we received an A.
I titled this post "heart"beat of the market, because, it is Valentine's Day and we are out in the market, we felt it. I could not believe the amount of people at the show. Yes, I know this type of selling isn't the future....or is it...??? I also know "millenials and younger don't want this stuff!"...or do they...???
Well, after this show, I hope this trend continues! Yes, young people were shopping at this show! Yes, they were buying. Now, not "grandma's dishes" unless they were Pyrex, Fire King or some bright color. Not "grandma's doillies" but, her 1950's colorful tablecloths. Not "grandma's old papers" but, her typewriter and stand. Guess what else of "grandma's" they wanted...maybe it was "grandpa's"....we are in Wisconsin, so it's hard for us to judge....LOL....barware! We sold barware, dome chese trays, wood snack sets, drink glasses, shot glasses...our mid-century modern items and that lifestyle...are in!
I always tell the story behind the piece. I know it, because I buy directly from the owners. I've made it personal, because I've helped them and we've became friends, through the pieces of their past. Even if I never met the owner, as they may have passed on, I do, because I learn about them through the items in their homes. One such piece at this sale was a typewriter and stand. A maybe 10 year old girl was looking at it with her mother and I showed her how it worked, a little history of typing kind a thing. When she was interested in purchasing, we made a "bundle deal" and I told her "it's" story. We even gave her the 1945 little yearbook showing an 8th grade or so picture of it's owner. I was encouraging her to type a story under the "pen name" of Marion (the owner) the young girl in the yearbook picture. My friend was at the show too and when she was leaving she saw this mother and daughter talking to someone. She overheard them say something like, what a neat experience this was and how wonderful it was to receive the yearbook too. I'm not bragging, as I've recently been told that sometimes when I do this, what I'm doing right here, telling a story...it comes across as bragging. For the record, I'm just saying....making connections like this from generation to generation is why I LOVE what I do! Some of the remarks and comments, ya...not so much! Lisa and I heard some doosies over the years which we now entertain ourselves with...by repeating them...LOL!
Blessings from Ringle, Wisconsin.
You all know I'm the "master procrastinator" right?! Anyway, I did not disappoint, in fulfilling that title yet again...thank the Lord for Lisa's ability to "get it done."
Last fall, we bought out an estate in Hortonville, WI. As we packed it all up, we put inventory in boxes for the Wausau Antique Show and Tansy Hill Barn Baazar for 2020. We knew then, that we would have a mid-century modern type of a booth, because of what was there. We normally have a girly booth with buttons, lace, linens, postcards, Valentines....but, hey, you sell what you buy right! Truthfully, we were doing this a test. "This is a test of the market, this is only a test, if it were an actually emergency...." - remember those? Well, if it was a test, we received an A.
I titled this post "heart"beat of the market, because, it is Valentine's Day and we are out in the market, we felt it. I could not believe the amount of people at the show. Yes, I know this type of selling isn't the future....or is it...??? I also know "millenials and younger don't want this stuff!"...or do they...???
Well, after this show, I hope this trend continues! Yes, young people were shopping at this show! Yes, they were buying. Now, not "grandma's dishes" unless they were Pyrex, Fire King or some bright color. Not "grandma's doillies" but, her 1950's colorful tablecloths. Not "grandma's old papers" but, her typewriter and stand. Guess what else of "grandma's" they wanted...maybe it was "grandpa's"....we are in Wisconsin, so it's hard for us to judge....LOL....barware! We sold barware, dome chese trays, wood snack sets, drink glasses, shot glasses...our mid-century modern items and that lifestyle...are in!
I always tell the story behind the piece. I know it, because I buy directly from the owners. I've made it personal, because I've helped them and we've became friends, through the pieces of their past. Even if I never met the owner, as they may have passed on, I do, because I learn about them through the items in their homes. One such piece at this sale was a typewriter and stand. A maybe 10 year old girl was looking at it with her mother and I showed her how it worked, a little history of typing kind a thing. When she was interested in purchasing, we made a "bundle deal" and I told her "it's" story. We even gave her the 1945 little yearbook showing an 8th grade or so picture of it's owner. I was encouraging her to type a story under the "pen name" of Marion (the owner) the young girl in the yearbook picture. My friend was at the show too and when she was leaving she saw this mother and daughter talking to someone. She overheard them say something like, what a neat experience this was and how wonderful it was to receive the yearbook too. I'm not bragging, as I've recently been told that sometimes when I do this, what I'm doing right here, telling a story...it comes across as bragging. For the record, I'm just saying....making connections like this from generation to generation is why I LOVE what I do! Some of the remarks and comments, ya...not so much! Lisa and I heard some doosies over the years which we now entertain ourselves with...by repeating them...LOL!
Blessings from Ringle, Wisconsin.
Monday, February 3, 2020
Motivational Monday - Do You Know the Secret?
In our area, we have a commercial that asks: "Do you know the secret?" It's for weight loss. I'm sure, I'm not the only one who thinks of it when someone even says the word secret. It's pretty catchy marketing on their part.
"It's like it's a secret" Al said to me this morning, talking about some questions on weight lifting/training; however, he has said that to me about farming/plowing fields/cutting hay...we've said that about the MASS (market animal) program in 4H...but, that right there, that experience, leads me to my answer to him this morning. "There isn't a secret, it's just all hard work!" "The secret is hard work..." My Motivational Monday post on the way, I knew it as soon as I said it.
Hard work, in it's self, isn't motivating. Right!?!
Everything I can think of, right now, in my life, requires my putting in some "hard work." Physical, emotional, spiritual all of it! Can I say Progression....2020 word of the year.
So, I'm going to have to roll up my sleeves and do it. Most of it will be "hard work" some of it I can't even stand to "face." I won't go into details to shame myself, but some of it gets pushed back - years even - because it IS hard work.
You know what is motivating me? The rewards! "It (fill in blank)" will be done! Less sleepless nights! I hope to be able to look back at the experience with pride, yes, I'm saying it...pride...in a job well done. You can be proud of something and not be prideful. We should be proud of a job well done or why do it.
"Do you want to know the secret?" It's hard work; time put in, blisters on hands, sweat to the brow, sore back, weeding out old feelings, choosing kind words (it's an election year!), loving in spite of outcome, not partaking in, refraining from...whatever, I think you get it...hard work. Rewards? I may not see all of them, but I'll know what I did, the effort it took anyway and try to gain from the experience.
I hope this little post motivates you to roll up your sleeves too.
Blessings from Ringle, Wisconsin.
"It's like it's a secret" Al said to me this morning, talking about some questions on weight lifting/training; however, he has said that to me about farming/plowing fields/cutting hay...we've said that about the MASS (market animal) program in 4H...but, that right there, that experience, leads me to my answer to him this morning. "There isn't a secret, it's just all hard work!" "The secret is hard work..." My Motivational Monday post on the way, I knew it as soon as I said it.
Hard work, in it's self, isn't motivating. Right!?!
Everything I can think of, right now, in my life, requires my putting in some "hard work." Physical, emotional, spiritual all of it! Can I say Progression....2020 word of the year.
So, I'm going to have to roll up my sleeves and do it. Most of it will be "hard work" some of it I can't even stand to "face." I won't go into details to shame myself, but some of it gets pushed back - years even - because it IS hard work.
You know what is motivating me? The rewards! "It (fill in blank)" will be done! Less sleepless nights! I hope to be able to look back at the experience with pride, yes, I'm saying it...pride...in a job well done. You can be proud of something and not be prideful. We should be proud of a job well done or why do it.
"Do you want to know the secret?" It's hard work; time put in, blisters on hands, sweat to the brow, sore back, weeding out old feelings, choosing kind words (it's an election year!), loving in spite of outcome, not partaking in, refraining from...whatever, I think you get it...hard work. Rewards? I may not see all of them, but I'll know what I did, the effort it took anyway and try to gain from the experience.
I hope this little post motivates you to roll up your sleeves too.
Blessings from Ringle, Wisconsin.
Sunday, February 2, 2020
January 2020
January 2020
Thanks January, I enjoyed your days!
You know there is a Baby Yoda phenomena right now right! I don't watch the series, but my children do. I just love his baby face...those eyes...I'm a sucker for "big eyes" .... and this one is from my generation....
Anyway, I've seen the "January was too long" posts. Not for me, I could use another January! I enjoyed the rest. Now it's off to work, as February is the start of my business show line up for the year. My first show is this coming weekend.
Blessing from Ringle, Wisconsin.
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