Saturday, March 21, 2015

Sew Much Fun

I offered a 4-H sewing clinic at my studio today.  I had a 4-Hr from a different club call and ask me if she could come too.  Her mom said "but, we aren't in your club."  I said "I don't care, 4-H is about learing a skill - it shouldn't matter who teaches it."  When they came, I figured out that it was my niece's husband's aunt and cousin...what a small world.   This was Emily's first sewing project.  She made pajama bottoms.  The cloverbuds made a pillow.  I didn't get a picture of it tho... :(  

We had sew much fun.

Blessings from Ringle, Wisconsin.  


  1. that's awesome. i think i need to join your 4-h and learn some skills. :)
