I completed the 2020 12 Days of Give Aways on my business facebook page: Town Hall Trinkets, LLC this year it was "Jacky's Favorite Things." Here they are:
I enjoy finding little themed gifts to share with my customers. I appreciate their following along and supporting my little business, none more so than this crazy year. I've tried some "new" things in the way I sell, some I will carry forward with and others not. Technology is always changing, new ways to connect, new sites to join....it's not easy trying to keep up. I've decided that things all seem "too much" - in more ways than one.
On one of my give away days, I asked the question: "What was your most memorable Christmas gift?" Reading them, did boost my Christmas Cheer, so I will share a few with you (permission was granted). No names, just the gifts .... here goes:
Crocheted items from my grandma
My twin sister and I got a Troll house!!! Back in the 60's those Trolls were the hot toy. I wish we still had them
My most memorable was the year I got engaged
2007 ; when my husband came home from Afghanistan. I knew but we surprised our boys and all my family. 

My most wonderful gift was my newborn son, born on Dec 22. No. better. gift. EVER. 
In hindsight, the Christmas that stands out was the one where I received new golf clubs. My dad was doctoring but at the time nothing worrisome. It was a beautiful Christmas Day and we went golfing!! In Wisconsin! It’s been a bit over 30 years, and I just discovered I had been given the clubs so my Mom would have a golfing partner. My dad knew deep down he had cancer, and just in case he wanted my mom to continue with her golfing. She is still my partner to this day! Mom is 83! And golfs 4 times a week in season!

A Conner Toys wooden kitchen set! I still have them!
A big white Samoyed dog stuffed animal
My white Partridge Family boots...just like the ones that Laurie Partridge wore on the TV show. I also had the outfit to go with lol
My most memorable gift was from my dad in 1985. It’s a German made pyramid with candles. The heat of the candles makes the pyramid spin. I love it.
I grew up in Holland (the country, not MI) and the big gift-giving event is St Nick’s in December 5th. I remember getting one gift under the tree every year. So my Christmas gift memories are fairly recent. I think last year’s ballroom dancing lessons with my husband was one of the best 
The most memorable gift for me was when my husband and both my parents were alive and my Mom, dad, brothers and I with our families celebrated Christmas together on Christmas Day. My dad's been gone since 1995, my mom in 1998, and my husband in 2011. Oh to have one more Christmas with everyone.

My most memorable gift was my blonde ponytail Barbie. I still have her!
That’s a tough one. Probably the Christmas I wasn’t working and my family was blessed by so many people that helped to make our Christmas wonderful.
My most memorable Christmas gift was my Barbie Dream Cottage. Probably one of the coolest gifts I ever received as a kid.
A gift I got early when I was 5 and had my tonsils removed it was a complicated surgery there was an abscess of some kind I was under so long and so sick afterwards that when I was still so sick at home that November I got my Christmas presents early I think my folks thought I was going to die before Christmas. My favorite were a pair of red velvet shoes with sparkles on them I still have them and cherish them
Horse book! Always wanted a horse, but grew up in the city!
... my Children’s Bible. You know it. The big brown one with the great pictures!!!!! Still have it!
When I was younger it was a cabbage patch doll baby as an adult my husband got me a st Bernard puppy our first Christmas together, I always wanted one
These, tell us alot about Christmas gifts. Many of the gifts are still treasured and some not even purchased. I wanted to share this today, as you are bustling around, preparing food, wrapping presents....your "gifts" are WHO you do that for.
I gave myself the "gift" of NOT doing all that, I want a simple Christmas. Oh, if you know me, I'm holding back the reins...on myself....I want to enjoy the experience and be a joy to be around. Sometimes, and this may just be me, doing "it all" for a "show" made me not a joy to be around.
If my 2020 PROGRESSION (word of year) has taught me one major thing...."it's not a competition and you don't need to compare your (fill in the blank) with others." I have some words for 2021 already, I can't wait to see what fate picks for me.
Have a WONDERFUL Christmas - Jesus is the gift - that keeps giving, He does to me, every day!
Blessings from Ringle, Wisconsin.