This thought just came to me this morning. I am sitting here, pen and paper, making my lists, drinking my coffee asking the Lord...."how am I going to do all this?" And this comes to me....I don't have to. Do I try to, yes! But, it won't be the end of the world if I don't get it all accomplished like I want it to be. In fact, I've been letting go and building on this concept a little, by little over the past year. I don't need to share my "list" with you, nor tell you what I feel I can't accomplish for this to be a Motivational Monday post for you too. The motivational part of this concept is to focus on what you can do, not what you can't. I can't rock climb the face of a mountain, but I can go on a short hike up the side. I can't plant an acre garden anymore, but I can have a smaller one. I can't keep up walking with my friend at a flea market, but I can catch up to her. I can't, I can't, I can't....nope, I can, I can, I can. My problem lies in me, I set some pretty lofty goals for myself. We all should set goals, however we need to understand that sometimes they don't get met or they turn out differently. Do you stop setting them? No, you focus on what you can do, not what you can't. My problems lies in me, I think people will think less of me or even judge me if I don't do the things I said I could do or like I use to do them. Then this thought comes to me...."only you can let you feel this way, or not feel this way" and "life is only as hard as you make it." Two of my favorite quotes from two of my favorite people - my mom and Al (my husband). Now I'm back to what I can do. There it positive attitude...where have you I'm laughing over here... So, listen, you may think "I can't (fill in the blank)," but, push that to the side and think about "I can do (fill in the blank)." You know, often times the "can't" is a blessing and our "can" is a better option. I have found that to be so true over and over in my life. So, with all of this said....heehee....for my local followers, friends and customers.....I have a change in plans for my "It's Got to 'Leaf' - Vintage PopHop" for this Saturday, September 28 from 9-1. The sale will be at Lisa's, Caretaker's Cottage, farm. The address is 175885 Mission Lake Rd. (GPS - 7163 Mission Lake Rd.). She has enough room for me to set up down by her in the barn. So, we hope to see you all there. Here is the link to the event:
I can't have a sale here, but I can set up at Lisa's farm. Blessings from Ringle, Wisconsin.
Do you love FREE things? Well, sometimes, free comes with strings attached. I don't like that kind of free. My post today is about something that happened to me at the Fall Market Saturday. My being a vendor was rather last minute. So, I just filled my van with tubs, that I have stacked and ready to go. I was mindful to my set up and had designated $1 and 1/2 off tables on the side of my booth. Most of this inventory has had it's moment to sell, so as I unpacked the tubs, I put those items that I really wanted to be rid of on one of those tables. In my years of experience, people love $1 tables. I did a mix of actual dollar items along with some nice antiques that had to go. Same with the 1/2 off table. I was pleasantly surprised to see my regularly priced items clear out as well. (wink, wink). As the day progressed, I kept adding things to one of those tables and as 2 pm rolled around, my whole booth was 1/2 off. I came with a full van, the kind where you can't see out the back window, to leaving with 2 tubs and a few chairs. We started to pack up around 3:30 and I made my $1 table FREE. As I started boxing it up, a lady came over and said, "I'll take it all" - yay! Her daughter backed up their van and she took it. As we visited, I was just talking, being me....and her daughter says...."you know, you have the best personality for this type of job." Aww....I said, "Thanks, but we all need to let our light shine in whatever we are doing." Her mom says "amen!"
So, how is this personal story motivating, you may ask. Well, it is motivating as in, you should figure out what "baggage" you have in your life, reduce it, try to cut it 1/2 off and by all means let it go for FREE when it's time! This, my friends, can be applied to many of life's situations. You feel hurt, are you bitter, do you hold resentment....whatever your baggage is...set out a $1 and 1/2 off table....emotionally. Open up those tubs of feelings, you can do's a #knowyourtruth kind of thing. You have a right to feel however you want, but keep in mind, you also can give yourself the gift of letting it go. In doing so, you will be doing "right" by yourself. Best part, It's FREE! Blessings from Ringle, Wisconsin.
As I sit here this morning, sipping my coffee, writing this post, I'm reflecting. Yesterday, I was a vendor at District 3 Antiques - Nueske's (applewood smoked meats) Retail Shop in Wittenberg, WI. I had a very uplifting, encouraging day! Truth time, I've not liked 2019 thus far. The past 8 months of resale, shows, our estate sales, buy outs, market trends, my gimply, old self and the social media hype, I've been rather disappointed in most of it! I remember years ago, watching some of the older vendors set up, their staging, styles, bad, Lisa and I, were the "young" ones. We always staged our booths and truthfully, were at that time, one of the only booths like that. Our booth never had the old "antique show" look...ours, looked like how you would decorate your home and we even snuck in a few hand mades (at that time, that was a NO/NO). Setting up this way, was part of the creativity, we love that. Anyway, I promised myself way back then, that when we became the "old ones" I wouldn't say or do anything to hurt the next group of "young" ones. Because, truthfully, over the years, we've heard some doosies! So, I've been trying not to do unto others what was done to me (us). Thinking it....well, I'm not doing my best at that one. I will only say this....just because there wasn't facebook or instagram back then to document EVERY SINGLE thing....doesn't mean it didn't happen. (stepping down from the soap box now). new phrase...."must be menopause." (wink, wink) Lisa and I were just saying..."we don't know what anyone wants to buy any more!" Lack of understanding the current market trends is very defeating. To top that off....people are buying more place....groups....that takes the creativity and personality out of the whole thing. So, that leads me to this.....
Sunday Reflections on, appreciation, friendship, acknowledgment, validation, creativity, was just like the "good ol' days." I orginally, was supposed to be in South Dakota on vacation, but something came up and that left me available to set up in my own back yard so to speak. It was just what the Lord knew I needed. I won't say all of the "things" that happened, but I can say, it has inspired me to kick it up for the remainder of the year. I will take my own advice, "put on my blinders, keep doing what I do best, let the rest do their best and just mind my own row." Blessings from Ringle, Wisconsin.
My brother, who is my pastor, inspired me to write this post based on his Sunday school lesson. My little post won't go into all the details his lesson had, just a few thoughts to hopefully motivate us. Have you ever started with your day and things were going super and you said "it's going to be a good day!" Or, maybe the opposite is true too, "ugh! it's going to be a bad day!" We've all had both. A day is 24 hours, 7 days in a week, 52 weeks in a year a total of 365 many days. Good or bad, each teaching us something as we grow and walk along in our life. Have you ever tried to climb a rope? I hated that in gym class, probably because I've always been chubby and it's hard to pull my weight. Anyway, climbing a rope is so much easier when it has a few knots for your feet to grip onto. I would get so jealous of the kids that made it look so easy. Now, rope climbing day, that was a bad day! Let's think of our life like a rope. While climbing, when it becomes hard, if we could just remember to tie a knot, we could rest and pull ourselves up a bit more. However, sometimes, we let the difficulty of moving forward, climbing on, overwhelm us and we fall off the rope. I actually remember sliding down with rope with burns on my hands. My Motivational Monday - Tie a Knot is to remind us that when difficulty comes our way, hang on to the rope and tie a knot. It may be a bad day, kids were late for school, boss is yelling at you, you forgot to pack your lunch....stop....tie a knot on your rope....hang's only a day. You may think well that's an easy one. Trust me, I've had to face days of a child battling cancer - my rope has plenty of knots! If I didn't have knots and my not having faith that Jesus was holding the other end, I know I wouldn't be writing this blog post for you today. Those bad days are way down on my rope now. However, I can look back at my rope full of knots and know, I made it through all of that (with the Lord's help) and I can make through this bad day too! I know this sounds simple, but it is simple. When your day offers up bad news, stop and tie a knot. Hang on to the rope and keep climbing it. Have faith in the One holding the end of the rope.
I really believe this. It's happened to me too many times not to. Your junk finds you. That is, the things that are supposed to be yours, find a way to you. I don't know what you call it, don't call it, I don't care, I just know it to be true. Yesterday, I was visiting our youngest daughter on her only day off and we went to a thrift store down by her new hobby farm. I was looking at the furniture and Anna says, "Mom, look at this book, it is from Wausau." Truthfully, I didn't "look, look" but put it in my cart to purchase - it was from Wausau afterall, I grew up and live in the Wausau surrounding area.
It wasn't until today that I read the forward. Are you kidding me, the creation of this Rural Writers Association of Marathon County was from a John Lonsdorf of Ringle! Here I sit, a rural writer (blogger) in Ringle today! It just made me happy!
Ringle is about 15 or so miles from Wausau, but they do have a connection on many levels. Our founding family the Ringle's owned a brick yard and manufactured bricks here. John Ringle, was elected Marathon County Clerk, Wausau Mayor and post master and served the state assembly. So, Wausau and Ringle have always had a unique connection. Even today, Ringle has the right clay soil not only to have made bricks, but to "house" the Marathon County Landfill on hundreds of our acres. It had my thinking, I sure wish there was a club like this now. How many of us bloggers....still left....if you've been a blogger know what I mean, wouldn't love to join a club like this! You know the "writing bloggers" - I know that sounded snobish, but blogging is afterall writing. I think the over stimulation of ALL social media has really ruined the writer. This book, was just the spark of inspiration I needed to keep writing! I can't wait to read the poems and short stories in this book! Thanks "junk" for finding me.
Who knows, maybe it will develop into a new "club" of amature writers. Creative stories and poems from the heart. After my 35th class reunion, a class mate started to follow me. She asked me "were you good in English class?" "Heck NO!" I said "truthfully I stuggled to even read in class." She then paid me the nicest compliment, "well, you have a way with words that are so honest and heartfelt." I about cried. I write this blog for me, but it was nice to hear. I've been thinking more about what I actually want to spend my time on and doing. Writing this blog is one of them! I do miss all the other bloggers in my favorites feed! Blessings from Ringle, Wisconsin.
Today is Labor Day. A holiday that creates a three day weekend that to most mark as the end of summer. It is actually a day that we reflect on the laborers, working people. I know many think this idea to celebrate the "working party" was originated by a political movement. Nope, God has always had a plan for work, rest and compensation. My dad was a union steward. He spent all of his working career trying to make things better for all the employees of their company. He took that responsibility to heart because he, in his life, had worked for or seen unfairness in the workplace. He was also from the generation that worked, knew how to work and did it. He was a good example. So, for this Motivational Monday, I have been thinking about labor - working hard. When I first quit my job to become a stay at home mom, everyone said "good job." When my girls started school, everyone said "when are you going back to work?" When I chose to become self-employed and start my little business Town Hall Trinkets, LLC, everyone asked "what is it you do?" and "when are you going to get a real job?" People? Right!? Well, I just kept doing things that added income for our family. It just happen to be a really cool job, one I REALLY enjoy! I even was blessed to have both of my parents help me out at sales and such in the beginning. My mom loved it. As the years went on, I just kept working. Each year offered an opportunity to grow, learn, prosper and fail. I let the Lord be my union steward, trusting in him to guide my steps. The 30 and 40 something me, didn't always understand that. I tried to be in control of everything....just ask Lisa! "I'm the boss here today!" I may have shouted that or...."my sale, my rules." Anyway, the 50 some year old a bit wiser....(wink, wink). I now know I'm NOT in control of really ANYTHING and that's o.k. As long as I get up, put one foot in front of the other and and take the next right step. I know I've said this before in a Motivational Monday post, but this "next right step" concept has become my mantra this summer. It has really put my days in perspective. I would add that lately, people say "when are you going to slow down?" or "are you ever home?"....if they only knew, this is the pace I've always worked - actually, I have cut back this year. This from the same people who earlier asked, "when are you going to get a real job?" tehee..... So on this Labor Day, Motivational Monday, think about your work ethic and the effort you put into whatever it is you do and take the next right step.