Friday, September 6, 2024

Farmhouse Friday - Week 36

 Farmhouse Friday - Week 36

It's been awhile...I don't know if anyone is still reading these.

Anyway, I've had better summers.  The last half of this summer was awful!  Actually, the whole summer was!  Too much rain, too hot, standing water on fields ALL summer, garden in 2 boxes, mother-in-love passed on, 2 icky estate sales, I caught "walking pneumonia" (I think it was the new covid - no tests given at walk in), 6 plus weeks of coughing .... o.k. it's September now....that is in the past.

I have a lot of pictures to share, not sure if you're interested....

We added on a 3 season type porch in front of house

This space has been a dream of mine for years!  Thanks to my husband for his help and to my nieces' husband and sons business:  Sons & Dads Services  

Then the same crew moved on to the back side of the house

We added another dream of mine....a sauna from:  The Sauna Guys

Now the rest of the deck 

Can't wait to use this....

We did do a little trip with the girls and grands to Laona Connor Country.  It is the only steam engine train of this year running in the world - so they said.  You take a train ride back to the logging camp.  I did this as a kid too.  My grandpa Ritchie met my grandma Ritchie while working for Connor Industries in early 1920's  

I took 2 basket weaving classes with Woven Blessings Basketry

My sister Bonnie to the left and friend Dawn to right

My sisters Lynn and Bonnie

Our Department 18 wrap up of fair judging.  

This is my mother-in-love....she passed on August 5.  We had her funeral on August 10.  She was 89 and will be so missed!  It is weird to go to her house and her not being there.  We have been getting ready for a sale.  We all had an opportunity to take whatever we wanted.  She even had our names on things.  I love that!  She even left messages and notes for us.  

I cut my hair and donated another 2 feet...yes, 2 feet...that now makes 7 feet 4 inches in my lifetime.  

Well, I guess that wraps up my summer in a small way.

Not sure how long till my next post.  I'm sure they will get back to more regular ones, now that the "ber" months are on us.  

Thanks and Blessings from Ringle, Wisconsin.  


  1. Well there you are! I've been wondering about you. So sorry for the loss of you MIL...It doesn't matter their age, it is always difficult to lose someone so monumental in one's life. And as difficult as the summer has been, you've at least made some amazing improvements on the homestead. That 3-season porch and decking is wonderful!! I'm not much of a sauna person but glad that dream of yours was realized for you. Love your baskets. I've always wanted to take a basket-making class but, now, meh, not so much. It'd likely just end up being another rabbit hole I fall into and I'd get all the stuff to make them on my own and then...fall down another rabbit hole and be done with basket making. Seems my attention span has shrunk considerably these past years. Anyways...good to hear from you. Bet you're busy with Ringle Days prep again...but don't be a stranger! ~Robin~

    1. Thanks Robin. Thanks for the comment. Now you know how we all feel when we don't see your posting...ahahaha! Only, you have more interesting things to say and more people to wonder....ahaha. That is why I take the class, I don't want to buy the supplies. I can make one and not have to do a thing, but show up. Yes, Ringle Harvest Day is fast approaching. Take care. Hope to see you soon.

  2. All Summer I wondered what you had been up too. Now I see. My condolences on the loss of your MIL. Your porch project turned out marvelous and your new sauna. All I can say is WOW! Your basket loos great too...and would love to take that train ride. How cool. Janice

  3. Sorry to hear about the passing of your mother-in-law. I still enjoy reading your blog and look forward to updates! RHill, TX

  4. Well now where to start? you have had some really good fun and very busy.
    I am so sorry about your MIL my husband's aunt did the same thing she had our names on the bottom of things she wanted us to have.
    I don't know anyone here that has a sauna it is hot tub central around here.(we do not have one) When I am at spa that has one I always use it especially in the dead of winter.
    You will enjoy those additions to your home.
    You are so kind to donate your hair.
    Happy fall
