Friday, September 1, 2023

Farmhouse Friday - I'm catching up

 Good Morning!  

I was just checking my blog posts and see that I never finished this post from May....Ughh!  I guess I will share this now....

This was our booth at the Tansy Hill Farm barn bazaar.  Here is our booth Town Hall Trinkets, LLC  Lisa's business is Caretaker's Cottage - we share a booth.  

In June I had surgery on my hand.  I was unable to bend my thumb for over 2 years - it was a slow progression till I couldn't bend it.  No excuse for not getting in sooner.  The surgeon said, "why didn't you come in sooner?!"  I said, "I come from a long line of people who just deal with S**t life gives them."  

After the MRI and seeing no reason why it didn't bend, he told me that in 40 years, he only sees things like my thumb once a decade.  "I'm excited to open it up and see what's wrong" is the last thing I remember before I fell asleep.  I had a dead muscle that stopped my tendon from working.  So, he took the tendon out of my ring finger and re-routed it to my thumb.  

I'm not going to lie, it wasn't fun!  I was so limited in what I could do with a splint all summer.  You may not know, but I have super long hair and Al became really good at braiding.  I couldn't do so many things that he really helped me with.  

Here is my hand before - in surgery waiting room and after

My thumb was always hyperextended like that.

(That is a lot of pictures, but this is my virtual diary)

I had to wear that splint for almost 7 weeks.  We still did an estate sale....I had to, it was going to be too much money for us to pass on....(I was supposed to take a break).  As you can imagine, it did get dirty....

Physical therapy was good.  I had one day that the therapist said something that I will use on myself daily till I die.  It made me upset at first, but she was right!  I even did our ladies Bible study on the quote.  "You're reverting back to your old ways."  That motivated me to keep with it, if for no other reason, but to prove her wrong.  When I had my last visit with the surgeon, he said "I'm so pleased with this!  You are the most successful 'odd fix' I've done.  Only one other lady had dead muscles like you and she doesn't have near the movement you do."  So, thanks Sandy for pushing me....I graduated out of physical therapy.  I have NEVER graduated out of physical therapy.  I've either run out of covered services or quit.  If you were to see me walk, you'd see that....I'm pretty gimpy.  

Thanks for following along.  

Blessings from Ringle, Wisconsin.  



  1. Wow, Jacky, these pictures are unbelievable..... so happy you have graduated and are on the road to recovery.

  2. Youzers. So glad you are getting better and graduated from therapy. Just like you though to carry on and work through it. Nice wares, however religious items wont sell in our store. Keep on that road to recovery. Janice

    1. Thanks. Well, I do have a knack for powering through...ahahah

  3. Ouch! But so glad you are doing so well! You had a busy summer insite of your operation

  4. Oh, how I wish I could have made it to Tansy... All those wonderful picnic baskets would have come home with me LOL. I'e only been once. Your thumb looks incredibly painful...before surgery and in the recovery, but glad to see you now have movement in it and the surgery was successful. ~Robin~

  5. Thanks, there's always Ringle Harvest Day...ahaha those baskets may make an appearance there. It was painful. I am happy with the progress.
