Monday, August 29, 2022

Going to Step out on Faith


Well, I guess I'm going to do it.  Al gave me a great idea, we found the perfect spot, now all that is left is to sign the lease and pick up the key.  As of September 1, Town Hall Trinkets Online Estate Sales will have an official drop off and pick up storefront.   I'll share more when I know the "for sures" of it all.  

I will also use this space to hopefully host at least 1 needle felting class a month and have felting supplies available for purchase.  

I know, I know...."you have a cute building on your farm."  Well, that cute building has become the storage unit for all the things I sell.  I still plan to do sales at my farm, once I sell some of that out of there.  Also, "we" like our privacy...."we" as in Al....ahahah.  So, this will be a good "fix" for now.  Who knows how it all will go...that's the step of faith.  I just know, I can't keep storing things here anymore.  

So that and working on an estate sale in Stevens Point area are on my agenda this week.  Have a great Monday!

Blessings from Ringle, Wisconsin.  


  1. I think this is a great idea 🙂

  2. Congratulations, you’ll do great

  3. Best of Luck & Good Wishes on your new projects, Jacky. You da Gal! I know you’ll do great! I wish you were down here to help me sort some old stuff now. Are old Ladies Home Journals, magazines worth much or anything? I have a lot of stuff 40 years old or so. SuzQ

  4. Woo hoo! I think?? I'll be more excited if I learn it is closer to me than Ringle LOL. (Not that you have not been incredibly gracious, accommodating, and flexible in holding my things, making it convenient to get them without actually going to Ringle, but there is always a wee bit of guilt on my part.) Looking forward to details!! ~Robin~ (The Cranky Crow)

  5. We took a leap of faith starting our antique business 14 years ago and so glad we did! So sorry to hear about the wee early caller. Very rude too. Good luck with your new adventure...but I really dont think you will need luck. You will do just fine! Janice

  6. sounds like a wonderful plan. Good luck I doubt you will need it.

  7. Congratulations! It will be really good. I can't wait to read all about your adventures.
