Monday, January 20, 2025

Farmhouse Friday - Week 3

 It's not Friday...but, this was my post for week 3.

It is fact, I did that this past week.  On my healing journey, I reevaluated what is working for me and what is not.  The problem with me is I'm loyal.  That is a good trait, but not at the same time.  I'm loyal to a fault.  As in I keep hanging on to something or someone and don't know when to give in and call "uncle."  It usually happens after something bad happens to me and has to hit me upside the head.  Well, without going into too much detail, I'm now searching other options for physical therapy and pain relief.  I gave it over 3 years, I need to call "uncle."  I just want to take a break from it "all" and "disappear until I feel like myself again."  

Our daughter, started a new women's circle therapy.  She is incorporating spices/teas along with the sessions.  I offered to make her some cinnamon sourdough bread.  It was really good - especially as French toast.  

Look at this yam/sweet potato - it's as big as a baby's head

We found these - 25# of organic beets and carrots.  Al has a new hobby now, freeze drying.  He did that whole bag of beets.  We also juiced

He made beet powder.  Not only are we going to add to our drinks, but I want to use it or a natural dye.  Anyway, he has made quite the assembly line of production.  Thankful for him!

Looking through the Farmer's Almanac - for fun.  No one can predict the weather.  Well, at least not the crazy weather we've had this past year.  Looks like 2025 on same trend.  

On my Wednesday, help with homeschool day, with Lauren, she said the funniest thing!!!  Now, if you are reading this Justine, it's not was just something little...ahaha.  So, Lauren and I were playing some games and I said "Grandma shouldn't teach you all these sneaky tricks...."  She, without a blink of an eye, turns to me and says "ya but, it will be useful when I'm older."  From the mouth's of, right!   

Blessings from Ringle, Wisconsin.  


  1. Lol your grand daughter is wise. You do have to figure out what is working and what is not for you I hope in the end you find relief.

    1. Some days she is too wise (wink, wink). Thanks, I hope I can.

  2. Ooooo....I do that a whole lot (disappear I mean) - probably more than I should. I had to laugh at your bread - at first glance I thought you were keeping with your theme of disappearing within your shell and made it to resemble a snail. ;-) Holy beets! Yes, they are incredibly good for you but I've never managed them - in any form. It's so great that Al has a hobby to occupy these long winter days and is productive to boot. Stay warm - and hoping and praying you find solutions that work for you. I know how frustrating the search can be. ~Robin~

    1. Haha that was funny - snail shell. Yes, he is really into it. Not just candy either...he did do some. I know you understand, it's hard for me to help myself. I need to get better at that.

  3. Out of the mouths of babes. :-) Too funny. I was going to therapy for 6 months for my frozen shoulder once. Nothing was working. I finally went back to the doctor and said that it was not helping. He then tells me to quit therapy and lets see what happens. Well after a month, I was back to normal and could raise my arm back me thinks now that they maybe, just maybe wanted to get more money out of me...because the doctor was also was part owner in the therapy place. Makes me wonder now. Stay warm. Janice

    1. I was wondering that same thing. I have an insurance that covers my chiropractic care and I was put on a monthly makes you wonder. I am looking at an estate on Monday, the son lives in MI near Lake Huron. Made me think of you.

  4. Sounds like you've given it more than ample time to see results that you are happy with. See what door opens next for you. Have you tried acupuncture? My mom used to use it and said it helped her.
    The freeze dried beets is a great idea! They are so good for us.
    May you be filled with peace and comfort.

    1. Thank you Daisy! I have thought about it, even had a client who is a nurse at the VA tell me to try it. She said it wasn't "that bad" - the needles. We think freeze drying them gave us more benefit that juicing. When rehydrated seems like we have more of he beet if that makes sense. Have a great weekend.
