I love journals, calendars and such with cute artwork that inspires me. I came across this artist and love it. Normal January in Wisconsin we have snow and lots of it. However, this year we did, it melted and now we are waiting. I like the hibernation that comes in January, Dare I say, with the lack there of, even a snow storm to "keep us in" I miss it.
Cup of tea in my greenhouse....little quick nap in the sun...until I heard a ruckus outside. This hen, she wanted to come in. She was relentless. Silly girl!
With the nice weather they have been out free ranging every day. We even found her sitting on an egg in the garage. When did she get in there?
Both daughters and grands went thrift shopping with us. My friend Karen just happen to be there too. Mind you, this is over an hour from our house. Anyway, Karen came up behind me and said "I almost peed when I found this!" I screamed....it was loud...eek...she found a very primitive, hand painted, like maybe 100 years old, pantry box! So nice! That had to be the best thing in all those bins. She loves primitives too. I said "I'm sorry I screamed (ahaha)." She said last week....her friend told her people were screaming while digging, because there was a mouse in one of the bins. So, Shannon. if you are reading this....true! Anna said she saw turds in other bins. It takes more than a mouse or turds to stop me from digging.