Friday, April 1, 2022

Farmhouse Friday Week 13 - "Time to Reflect"

 Well, here we are again, another Farmhouse Friday.  I'm calling this week a time to reflect.  Here are a few of my thoughts.

A time to reflect - weather.  We have had a long winter here, this week we had an ice storm, schools closed, snow and very little sun.  Dreary and drab.  

A time to reflect - passing on.  This past week, my sweet friend, Sarah, passed on.  I will be attending her funeral today.  Totally unexected, I still can't believe it.  I also heard of 2 childhood friends that passed as well.  Then a family friend, actually better described as our daughters friend's grandma, passed on too.  She was such a giving and patient woman.  That's 4 in 10 days.  

A time to reflect - living your best life.  When my friend, Dawn, called to tell me of Sarah's passing she told me something her husband said that stuck with me.  It was something like, "well, that's it, time to live and not just exist."  I hope they don't mind my sharing that.  It is really insightful!  

A time to reflect - relationships.  I don't know what is going on...but, I've had some people reach out to me this week and share some very personal feelings with me.  Feelings they have of me....all were totally out of the blue.  I know some people post things on social media looking for "attention."  Come on...we all know that is true, we all have "those" on our feed.  Anyway, when I post something I don't even have that mindset that I'm looking for praise, sympathy, advice...I just alternative motive.  I just like to tell my story.  Anyway, this reflection on relationships started with someone sharing a memory with me about a very hard time in life (we all face this time at some point) and she reminded me of how strong I was during it.  I didn't even remember and it really blessed me.  Then it just grew from there...the cherry on top, was a card I received yesterday.  When I opened it up, read it, I was crying because I had no idea someone felt this way.  It challenged me to send more cards to let people know what they mean to you.  It was pointed out this week as well, that I wasn't the best of friends to a childhood friend when we transitioned into young adults.  I am sorry she feels this way.  I saw our relationship differently I guess.  So, my reflection is....just be who you are, be present in today, learn from past lessons, let them go, move on, forgive, show love and kindness and for goodness sakes be honest and truthful with others and yourself.

Time to reflect - Town Hall Trinkets, LLC.  I had to say this to Al this week, "don't count me out."  In thinking on the "time to live" quote from above, I made some plans.  I've decided to do a few things on my "business bucket list."  I better do them now, while I am still physically able to.  Nothing that will change how I do things or even anything anyone would notice.  Just those "well someday I will..."  I'm not guaranteed someday. 

Time to reflect - Dicky Bird's Nest.  I still write this blog, because I like to write.  It's mostly for me.  It's been like my life's journal.  I don't expect followers, or comments, or any of that.  I would keep writing with none of that.  I am thankful for the couple of faithful blog friends who comment and encourage me.  I try my best to do the same to them.  In fact, this memory came up in my feed this week:   

I hope you all have a great weekend.   Until my next post...

Blessings from Ringle, Wisconsin.  


  1. Happy April my friend... Some very poignant reflections and many very relatable, as always. I knew "of" your friend, Sarah, and heard of her untimely passing through another friend of hers. I had met her once or twice for something she had sold...and often heard her spoken of (kindly) from someone else who knew her well. I am sure she had no idea of how many lives she touched. To lose 4 people in 10 days is something that really gets one thinking and re-evaluating priorities.... You are so correct that no one is guaranteed tomorrow. ~Robin~

    1. Yes, the funeral home was packed, wall to wall. I bet it was Pyrex she really loved selling that. Thanks for the nice comment.

  2. Well this was a wake up call post for me. Yes we all need to reflect and live our life as if there is no tomorrow. I keep telling Bob he needs to slow down...he continues to bring in and out furniture by himself, now he has been going to a chiropractor. I know a few co-workers who retired and then passed away within a year after. I am blessed, but I do need to carve out space for some me time for a change. Hope you have a great weekend! Janice

    1. I go to the chiropractor too. This past year I've been also getting theraputic muscle messages - they hurt at times, but take out the knots. I want to do a few creative things yet, while I can still "pull them off." I hope you have a great weekend too.
