At the beginning of 2015, I was challenged by my friend to pick a "word of the year" - my mantra so to speak for 2015. You can read about it here:
STEADFAST: loyal, faithful, committed, devoted, dedicated, dependable, reliable, steady, true, constant, solid, trusty, firm, determined, unwavering
My challenge was to "stay the course."
Overall, I would say that was a good word for my year.
I've been thinking about a word for 2016....I will be 50 in 2016....and have already been working on my "50 things to do before I'm 50" - so I chose this word - NIFTY.
I know it's almost cliche "nifty to be 50" however, if I were to ever use this word or phrase it would be this year.
NIFTY: good, skillful, effective, smart, clever, stylish

Look for my themed posts this year: "Nifty to be Thrifty;" "Nifty to be 50;" "Nifty Ideas;" "50 Things to do Before I Turn 50" and "Nifty to be 'Fitty' (fitness...weight loss ideas)"
I am looking forward to challenging myself this next year, becoming more skillful, effective and stylish....I'm already good and smart... lol
I hope you following along with me this year....I'm excited for what the Lord has in store for my 2016.
Blessings from Ringle, Wisconsin.
I am looking forward to challenging myself this next year, becoming more skillful, effective and stylish....I'm already good and smart... lol
I hope you following along with me this year....I'm excited for what the Lord has in store for my 2016.
Blessings from Ringle, Wisconsin.