Friday, July 5, 2024

Farmhouse Friday Week 27


A few pictures of my week.  Al is on vacation, we usually cut hay this week, but we are still too wet to even drive on the field.  We have had a record amount of rainfall.  He did buy another hay wagon.  

I set up at the Elkhorn Flea Market.  I slept in my van...even.  I did really good!  I am going back to the last one of the season in September.  

We went to the Antigo 4th of July Parade.  They gave out such fun things; lots of candy, rolls of toilet paper (septic company), chocolate milk, string cheese (family farm), coupons and bouncy balloons from Fleet Farm (Al liked the coupons), tshirts and can cozies from various politicians, decks of cards from a local builder and other things.  Just a fun parade!  

My friend, Renee, is at the National Junior Angus show for a few days.  It is in Wisconsin this year.   Al and I are doing their chores while they are gone.  I think this marks year 20 of our family being involved in that.  Her dog Doc is such a cutie!  

We signed a contract for a small estate sale in Antigo.  We already sold a retro patio set.  The house sold without even hitting the market, so we only have a few days to sell it all.  We will post the other furniture on our group this weekend.  We are also picking up another load from an on going estate we've been selling for since last October.  AFTER this....I'm taking a break to work on my own stuff....I know I've said it before, but I have to do it before the snow falls.  

I've been thinking about something.  My friend's mother passed this week.  She went around her mom's garden and shared a video of her flowers.  It had my thinking about what do we leave behind that will "last" after we pass.  I'm thinking more temporal not eternal things.  Like, I had another tribal member come up to me and tell me "I think of your dad every time I look at the apple tree he planted in honor of my dad."  These types of things.  Do you know of any thing your parents did or something you may have done or plan to do that will out live you?  I'm going to challenge myself to do more things like that.  

Blessings from Ringle, Wisconsin.