Friday, May 22, 2020

Farmhouse Friday - Busy as a Bee

Good Farmhouse Friday Morning!

Whew, where did this week go?  I surely have enjoyed some nice sunny days here in Ringle!  It has been a buzz of activity at the farm this week!  Straight From The Hives: delivered the bees that we keep for the summer.  Please go over to their facebook page for information about the products they offer.  

We have such a "sweet" deal with them!  Their bees stay here all summer and "honey" they are workers!  O.k. I'm done now...

Since I made the first mushroom for my "junkin' gardin'" everything I see now, I try to figure out how I can turn it into a mushroom.  Here is my most recent one.

On my ride home from babysitting, I saw something up ahead crossing the road.  I honestly, had no idea what it was, until I came closer.  It was they tiniest, wobbly legged little fawn.  If you happen upon one, please leave it.  The doe knows what she is doing.  I didn't see one dead on the road, so I knew she was close.  I did stop to snap this picture

As I pulled away, the doe came up from the ditch.  I won't lie I did worry this little one was going to get hit by a car.  As I drove about 1/4 mile down the road, a truck was coming rather, I started waving my arm out the window and pulled into the middle of the road.  The woman looked scared as she tried to creep past my van...I yelled at her...."HEY, slow down!  There is a fawn up in the road!  You're driving too fast anyway!"  I honestly, don't know how I have not been punched in the face more in my life....well, I do...I'd like see someone try! LOL  That's the truth!  I've been rather fiesty lately with "menopause mouth" this may have been an extension of it.  

We worked on planning a new project.  Last year, Al found some nice storm windows that were on Craigslist.  They were from the dorm remodel job at UWSP.  He is building me a greenhouse.  It will be a combination of these storm windows, built on a skid.  We wanted it moveable, because it will be close to some trees that may give too much shade in a few years.  

Shannon started working again this week.  It's been a long safer at home time of not "working" on Town Hall Trinkets, LLC:  My "work week" has been busy, the virtual sale Saturday, the hide & seek pop up Wednesday, the listing items on the oneline estate sale and cleaning out my "booth" at Theme in Wausau.  I have had many questions about what is going to happen at Theme.  I really don't know...that's the truth!  I do know that I won't be selling there monthly any more.   It has nothing to do with the dynamics of the group of ladies I sell with, I love them all.  This past couple of months, my income has been changed and I need to weight out cost -vs- earnings - it's the bottom line - that's all.  

I did have someone send me this...teehee...

Well, June will be a time to move stuff out, that's for sure.  

As for this Farmhouse Friday I will not be working on that!  You may find me out in the barnyard or garden, the whole weekend in fact, even in the rain.  

Blessings from Ringle, Wisconsin.  


  1. Such a cute little fawn! I'm glad you said something. Glad you've had sunshine. It has rained, rained and rained some more!

  2. What a joy to see the tiny fawn, so sad that it was on the road. Hopefully the mama will have taken it away to somewhere safer.

  3. What an adorable fawn. So glad you stopped that car. I have seen so many dead far=wns on the side of roads, and it always makes me sad. Janice

  4. Ohhh...that wee one looks like it is still wet behind the ears!! We had one left right by our trailer on the hunting land a few years ago...I told my husband to just leave it be...and it took a long while (the better part of a day from the time he aw it), but mamma eventually did come back. It amazes me that those little ones know they are to stay. Hope you got a lot accomplished in the past few nice days....looks like it's going to take a turn toward the colder again soon. Love your 'shroom!! ~Robin~
