Thursday, May 14, 2020

Container Gardening & DIY Seed Tapes

In preparing for our sale on Saturday, Lisa and I were thinking about all the crazy things we would plant in for people to buy.  We didn't have social media back then and were far too busy with kids and life at the time to take any pictures for "proof" (AHHH HAAA, I'm such a brat!). 

We did a Spring sale EVERY year at Lisa's farm.  We even did "Boulevard Sales" at my mom's house on Grand Avenue.  For 2, trying to stay at home moms, these sales were our "seed" money for auctions and rummages for the Summer.  

Want to know where we "picked up" probably 90% of the containers we planted in?  Curbside...Wausau had what was called "Spring Clean Up" it was our "mom time"...picking in the garbage!  One time, I remember, my old van broke down outside Gretchen Kluz's house....I asked to use her phone...we didn't have cell phones then either.  Lee was nice enough to take us back to my farm.  Anyway, Gretchen said "what are you 2 doing out on Easter Sunday evening?"  Oh, I didn't want to say, but you know how honest I am...."picking in the garbage."  She looked at us like we were crazy.  Well, in September when we were set up at Art in the Park, Gretchen came past our booth.  In true Jacky fashion, I yelled...."Hey, Gretchen....this is what we do with the garbage we pick up!" ...I was trying to some how legitimize it's a thing? Lisa said..."don't say that so loud!"  Oh the memories over 3 decades of doing this!  

It was just 20 degrees here the other morning, so I do not have any cool containers planted yet to show you in this post.  However, I did stop at Springer Family Farms Greenhouse yesterday on my way home from babysitting.  Here is the link to their website:  I wanted to pick up a few flowers for our vignettes.  

What I like to do, is arrange the plants you think you would like in a container on a table in the greenhouse, before you buy them.  You have the whole greenhouse to pick from.  You may not even know you wanted a certain plant, color or variety until you put them all together.  

Things we have used as a containers: (courtesy Pinterest)

Have you seen the seed tapes?  I bought some for the first time several years ago.  I will admit, I felt guilty about it, because they were "expensive" (teehee).    However, they were so easy to use, especially with my aging eyes and inabiltiy to "weed" out healthy plants...ahhahaa...I feel bad for them....wink, wink.  Anyway, every year since then, I have had a hard time finding the varieties I want to use.  

I was on Youtube watching one of my favorite homesteading channels and suggested videos popped up.  I wish I could tell you what channel this was on, to give her credit for the idea, but I don't know.  It's not my original idea and this will be my first year trying.  

Cut up strips of paper towel, toilet paper, tissue paper or newspaper, follow directions on seed pack as to spacing, mark off with a dot, put a dot of glue (I used washable) and place the seed on the paper.  Let dry and you're ready to go.  

Happy gardening and watch the sale on Saturday for interesting things you can plant in or add to your garden.

Blessings from Ringle, Wisconsin.  


  1. Wow you have been busy! I love all the unique ideas for planting. I really should look into those. They look great! We have an area pick-up too. It used to be monthly but now it's every three months. It is so interesting what people put out. There are a lot of people going around picking up things from other piles. I think it's a great idea. Most of the time the pile we put out goes down a lot - people pick up old appliances, furniture, metal.

    Seed tapes. Okay. Let me first say I'm not a gardener. I'm likely to kill even the hardest plant (which is why I mainly have wildflowers in my garden lol). What do you do with the seed tape?

  2. I loved all your amazing ideas for planting, it as a feast for the eyes. I have never come across seed tapes before such a wonderful tip. Thank you for sharing. You are an inspiration. Hope you get some sales on Saturday it is a joy to see your vignettes.

  3. Great idea for seeds. I remember my mom using this method when I was a kid. Presentation is everything and your flowers will be a hit! Janice

  4.'re giving me the bug girl...and I HAVE to behave this year and really, truly, cut back...otherwise what I have "there" will die when I'm "here" and what I have "here" will die when I'm "there." I, too, planted in any and everyting plantable before it was the cool thing to do. My husband actually used to start putting his shoes and boots away in the spring and I finally commented on it...he said because he knew if he left them out, I'd plant them LOL. Hope you're having a good Sunday...looks like your virtual sale went well....sent you a pm regarding things I think might still be available.... ~Robin~
