Monday, February 7, 2022

I Will Monday - Send a Card

 In my last post - February Interesting Facts Revisited, I noticed February 7th  is - send a friend a card.  

So, on this "I Will Monday" - I will send a card or two.  

I was already thinking about this the other day; reconnecting with old friends.  Do you have a friend, that no matter how long it has been since you've talked, you can just pick up like - well, years haven't passed.  I love that!  

I think childhood friends are especially that way.  My husband's dad was in the Navy, so he moved many times as a child.  We just saw someone the other day and I said "I went from K-12 with that person."  He said "I can't even imagine that!"  Then I was thinking about all the ones that I went to school with that live, work, volunteer, raised families, pay taxes in - you know all the things - in our same community and surrounding area, that we grew up in.  I know LOTS of them!  This always amazes him....but, I do know alot of people....(wink, wink - I'm a 7, that's what we do).

So, on this "I Will Monday" I hope you will think of old friends and maybe drop them a line or 2.  

Blessings from Ringle, Wisconsin. 


  1. I did not send out a card today but will this week so they get to where they are going for Valentine's day

  2. I actually sent a birthday card out to my great nice today. She turned 1, but did not know it was send a card out day. Just a coincidence. Janice

  3. There is nothing like getting a piece of good old-fashioned happy mail. I actually was a couple days early for that day's celebration. ~Robin~

    1. I received some from a young mom recently. She shared something I "helped" her with and it made me cry! I miss "happy mail!" I'm going to try to be better at sending some this year.
