Friday, February 11, 2022

Farmhouse Friday 2022 - Week 6 - Needle Felting

 It's an early, dark morning and Al is already outside moving the snow from overnight.  He decided to do this before work, as it is supposed to get cold and windy, It'll be easier to move it now.  

This week started with the QVC jewelry sale.  I had no idea of what to expect, but the estate did very well!  I was so busy, I didn't even get 1 picture.  During the sale, I did set up an open felting class.  I had 7 students.  

On Tuesday night, I taught needle felting at the Tigerton Library.  The project was a gnome, but several of the ladies have taken my classes before, so I told them to create what they wanted.  

Here is where you can see all the fun projects they created:  The Hobby Farm  So many cute things!!

This week and next will be all about the "QVC clean up sales" and I plan to do a "lot drop" on Sunday afternoon.  A "super bowl preview sale" ahahha!  We also booked our next sale that we will start soon too.  

This week we had 2 park committee meetings.  The official name of our park will be Ringle Town Hall Park.  We have been able to accomplish quite a bit in the past 8 months or so.  The town, with suggestions from our committee and approval at the general meeting, was able to acquire an adjacent piece of property to the town hall and property already owned by the town.  That property had an old brick house that needed to be taken care and it was.  So, yesterday we stacked bricks for a future memorial project.  

Ringle's claim to fame was our red bricks.  Many friends, neighbors and resident's historically come from generations of  those who worked at the brick yard.  Including Al's.  If you live in our area, you know that Ringle Brick are signature and were a staple here in north central Wisconsin.  You can even pick out those old brick homes made with them.  Ringle is known for it's clay soil and we also have been home to the Marathon County Landfill because of it.  Our park, some day, will have historical displays for all of this, a bog walk, pavillion, play area and more to be determined.  It will be a beautiful addition to the town hall area.  And NO...for those reading.....Jacky is NOT helping just becasue she want to put vendors there for the Ringle Harvest Day.  NO VENDORS will be set up in there.  Often times, I hear second hand all the "things" Jacky assumes about the town during the Ringle Harvest Day.  Small town problems...ahahah!

Today it's a deep tissue massage, tomorrow a general council meeting for our tribe in Crandon and Sunday...the lot drop...(oh and super bowl).  

Are any of you excited for the super bowl?  I guess, since the Packers didn't make one I know is really talking about it.  Aaron Rodgers, yes...lot's of talk of him.  Will the NFL MVP return?  Let the conspiracy theories begin....

Have a great weekend and as always, Blessings from Ringle, WI


  1. Sounds like your park will be wonderful! We are rooting for LA in the Super Bowl game because their quarter back Stafford use to be our Detroit Lions quarterback. We were sad to see him go. Janice

  2. The snow Al moved this morning has likely moved back...that wind is nasty. And que the cold once again. I hope I remember to check out your drops....not that I need it LOL. I don't get anywhere anymore so jewelry probably isn't a smart investment. Ringle is known for its bricks and in these parts we are known for our granite. Stay warm...and slow down!! ~Robin~

    1. Yes, Marathon County granite! It was -18 this am! I hope it warms ups soon. I'm not sure what to invest in anymore...maybe gas....there is several cans full at this next sale and Al said "well, there's $100!" ahahaha....but, seriously!
