Monday, January 11, 2021

Happy Face

"pick out a pleasant outlook,

stick out that nobel chin;

wipe off that "full of doubt" look,

Slap on a happy grin!

And spread sunshine all over the place,

just put on a happy face!"

This litte doll was for sale at the living estate sale were are conducting virtually.  If you want to see what is for sale, the link in on the sidebar.  Anyway, a customer wanted me to ask the owner what the "story behind" the doll was.

My client, had to leave her home that she loves and move to an assisted living.  The home is split levels (4 of them) and truthfully, she didn't have an opportunity to go through all her treasures in the basement.  This little doll was one of them.

When I called her to ask the story for the buyer....she told me, "it was the only doll I ever owned, I forgot that was down there, I really would like to keep that."  Well, it's hers, all the items in the house are.  I told her she could keep it.  I'm just glad the customer is a good one and I believe understands the difficulty this process can be.  So, thanks for that!  

Anyway, the "only doll she ever owned."  Boy, we sure spoil our kids now.  Dollar store items and cheap junk will never be loved like this!  Even though she was in a paper box, in a corner on a shelf, in the basement, she is still loved - for over 75 years.  

So, little doll, do what you did for her as a child and spread sunshine all over her room.  

Blessings from Ringle, Wisconsin.  


  1. How nice you were able to give her back the doll. A nice happy face one at that and also made me start singing the song put on a happy I cannot get it out of my head, LOL Janice

    1. I think she has such a happy face too and she still has her teeth.

  2. very sweet. Yes, very spoiled the generations of late are. I hope someone actually takes the doll to your client so she can enjoy it again. They bring can bring such comfort to the elderly. ~Robin~

    1. Yes, the neighbor is helps her with stuff, so she will. I hope it does too! The doll makes me smile to look at her too.

  3. How wonderful that they have been reunited. You have made me think just how much 'stuff' our children of today have.

    1. Way too much stuff that ends up in the landfill (dump - not sure what you call it). Less stuff, more time invested in them, is what kids today need.

  4. I am so happy the lady will be getting her doll. I have some of my childhood dolls, including the 2 baby dolls I got for Christmas, when I was 10. One from my mom and one from an aunt. Both make me smile when I open the closet door. My dolls are 61 years old. There are times when I think I should dispose of them. But I would regret it, and they are not taking up that much room. Thank you for sharing this story. Linda

    1. I am too! Those are sweet memories. I have my first doll too.

  5. My mom would have been like that, living through the depression and not being from a wealthy family. Yes, I am so glad the lady decided to hold on to it. Funny thing, I have lots of my dolls in a rubbermaid trash can in the basement. And I have all my Barbie doll clothes that my mom made......I take them out every so often and the memories come flooding back. Great post.

  6. I'm so glad the lady will be reunited with her doll. I still have some of my few childhood dolls including my one Barbie (My daughter had 22 and never loved them like I did that 1!); and I have collected a LOT of small international dolls that no one seems to want! I enjoy them so much.

  7. Sweet story! Thanks for sharing at Vintage Charm!
