Monday, January 4, 2021

Cultivate Change in a New Year

 My 2021 word of the year is CULTIVATE and the use of this word will define my plans for the year.  

I've been blogging for a decade now and it's time to switch it up a bit.  I've seen my "blogs you follow" list go from hundreds to just a handful of faithful writers in that time.  It's hard to come up with orginal content on a consistent basis, I get it.   Especially at times, when I think I write the "best posts" and the numbers don't reflect the reception I anticipated.    

Blogger, if I may say, is a relic in the social media world.  There are other more effecient or trendy ways to get "your word" out.  However, I am parital to my Blogger platform and it's where I started.  You know, everything is getting to be "too" much on those other sites...we may see a swing back to a more simple platform (fingers crossed).  

With all that said, welcome to 2021.  Over the years, I've stuck with some themed posts;  Motivational Monday, What I'm Working on Wednesday, Thrifty Thursday and Farmhouse Friday.  I will not be writing under those titles this year, rather I plan to do this; Cultivate Change, Cultivate Character, Cultivate Creativity and Cultivate Culture.  

I did cultivate change to my blog over the weekend, by fixing the layout, taking off the ads (they were too political...really and I had no control) deleting links to my other less active sites and adding more succesful ones.  It's simple and I plan to cultivate simple this year.  

Dicky Bird's Nest is a digital record of my life in pictures, recipes, lessons and so on.  Thanks for following along.  Let's get ready to Cultivate Change.   

Today, I cultivate change by cleaning up all the Christmas and putting it to rest for another year.  I am working on a living estate sale that will be listed in my online group (link on the sidebar now BTW).  I bought those little carved trees and carolers, marked East Germany, I love them.  They looked so good with our gingerbread houses and my buffet long display.  

With the puppies, we decided to put up a table top tree.  While on a walk in the woods, we found this little one with a nest in it.  My little grandlove liked it!  It adorned my tree in the most cozy of ways and I'm keeping the nest.

I have that little "found object from the farm" display, I added it to that.  

Blessings from Ringle, Wisconsin.   


  1. I love the bottom photo! I'm looking forward to following along and seeing where the year takes you. I do quite a bit of Instagram but I do like blogger too. I am hoping to write more on my photography blog but as you say it's a hard slog and seems like I'm writing and posting just for me. I've given up a few times, I must admit lol. I am thinking of doing another Facebook page just for photographs and such. I don't want to open up my personal one as it's more for keeping in touch with family and friends.

    1. Thanks, I feel the same with following along with you. I think the idea of a photography fb page is a good one and you could start selling some (wink, wink).

  2. So glad you will continue with blogger. So many have left. I will be back on January 7th with my first post of the year. I just wanted to take a mini vacation from blogging and cultivate my ideas for this year too! See you got me using this word too. What an inspiration you are! Janice

    1. Oh good, I was afraid you were taking a longer break. You will have to share any of your fb pages for your business as well. I enjoy looking at how you display your primitive and folk art pieces and that inspires me.

  3. Happy first Monday of the year Dicky Bird. You are so correct about Blogger being a bit of a relic but, like you, that is where I got my start...and frankly, where I still feel more at "home." You cannot possibly express in a FB post, Tweet, Instagram post, whatever what you can in a blog post in my opinion. Nor is there the bond created in those other forums like there is here...I feel I have come to know many fellow bloggers I have never met in person better than any of the contacts I have made in those other forums. The contacts there are just too superficial it seems. So, therefore, I choose to continue to "cultivate" my relationships here. (See? Now you have me doing it LOL). ~Robin~

    1. Robin, I couldn't agree more! Everything you said is so true! On the other forums, not everyone wants to read long posts, they scroll or just look at the pictures. I also, don't like all the drama some of the other sites "offer" ahahah.
