Thursday, November 4, 2021

Another Little Gem

As I said in a previous post, I really came up with some good quotes about myself recently.  I quickly wrote them down because sometimes the things you say first, fastest is often the most honest and true.  With that, I share this today:

 "It's not a loss, it's a lesson"

That was said about pretty much everything I tried with my greenhouse "experiments" and some of my gardening.  However, I find myself quoting that to me about other things as well.  It is true, life hands us lessons every day.  Some we excel at and others, well, not so much.  But, don't let that get you down about it, look at the loss/fail as a lesson.  "Well, I know not to do that again."  Or, ever the optimist that I am, switch it in your mind.  "Well, next time I will try it this way."  

Honestly, I don't know why some of my favorite people get "stuck" in the loss.  Live with the regret of the loss.  Trust you me, if I dwelt on all that, all my losses, I wouldn't leave my recliner.  Oh, I have been there, I sometimes want to revisit, but I know that loss....and I make myself get up....those losses made lessons.  I guess I share these things in blog posts, my words, as a way to try and help others.  

So, the next time you feel you have "failed" at something, take the lesson from the experience and gain from it.  I know, I am a 7 Enneagram and we are masters at this....."giving everything a positive spin"

And, alot of what is said about 7 above is so true of me.  I will digress to a previous quote I said in an earlier post this week:  "My life is one uncompleted project" and "it's in the Master's hands."  Fight on my friends, we have many lessons to learn.

Blessings from Ringle, Wisconsin.  


  1. Love your quote. Will need to steal it for myself. Yes we must =not dwell on loss or we will lose ourselves in it. Janice

    1. I like that one too...we don't want to lose ourselves. That's good!

  2. I like if I only remember it. ;-) ~Robin~

  3. I just quoted it to myself to get out of bed...ahahah...thinking about all the stuff I have to do before the antique show...the lesson, should hve started to get done what I can do in a week.
