Friday, January 4, 2019

Baker Creek Heirloom Seeds

One of the things I plan to RECLAIM this year is my garden.  I've been gardening since I was a little girl.  My dad was an avid gardener and he always tilled up a little space for me. 

In 2018 we went on vacation at the end of April and I was booked with living estate sales during prime planting time.  We did get the garden planted, but then got busy with my sales.  It was also a weird weather year.   I feel that I didn't have enough time to spend in the garden and my spirit and emotional health felt it! 

My friend Renee, has an incredible garden!  She reaps more in hers than I do with double the space.  This year she grew these amazing squash called Lakota.  They were beautiful!  Those squash led me to Baker Creek Heirloom Seeds.  I just received my 2019 seed book!  First, the pictures - wow!  Then I found their YouTube channel.  Each video is a 2-5 minute history lesson on each variety.  I'm hooked!

It's January in Wisconsin, what do gardeners do?  We dream and plan.  I have an area on the south side of our house that was set up like a little patio.  Since becoming empty nesters, we really don't use it.  Then it hit me, that space could be a project for a post as an area to RECLAIM.  Today, I'm making plans for cold frames, creative containers and of course seeds!  

What does your garden look like in January?  What types of seeds do you want to plant in 2019?  

Blessings from Ringle, Wisconsin.  


  1. When I had a garden at my old house this was the time of the year where I circled everything I wanted from my gardening catalogs. It was so much much fun planning. Keep us posted on your heirloom seeds once planted. Janice

    1. The planning and dreaming are fun, but the weeding...LOL

  2. I'm like you - there isn't much planning at this time of the year in the garden except dreaming. I admit that I didn't do a lot in the garden last year. I had done vegetables for a couple of years before that but because I am away for 6/7 weeks in the summer it made things tough and we also have a problem with deer! Nothing seems to work to keep them away. Sigh. I do have plans this year to do more flowers. I would like to attract butterflies, birds and hummingbirds.
