Monday, July 12, 2021

Motivational Monday - No Magic Pills

Good Monday Morning.  

I hinted at this post in my previous one.  Inspiration came from the hours I spent weeding my garden last week.  Oh, I love how it looks now!  Worth every minute of the effort!

I have had, no I take that back, I ALWAYS have people ask me questions.  From, "Who is your neighbor who sells eggs?"  "What is the contact information for?"  "Do you know how much this old clock is worth?"  "Could you come over and price all the items for my garage sale?" "What time is the...?"  I could come up with dozens of examples.  I don't really understand why I'm the 411 to all of this?  Some questions are nice, but others rather nosy.  Truthfully, I will stop what I am doing, go look up the information and then send it to them.  I mean, can't you do that?  I know this sounds snarky, but I need to put my time into perspective.  Especially when questions relate to my business.  I don't need to be that helpful.  

So, with 5 gallon pail in waiting and my kneeling along rows in need of weeding, I came up with this post.  There is "no magic pills."  I've used that on my girls over the years.  Mostly, because I happen to come from a line of "magic pill seekers" that is as much of a reality as it is metaphorically.  I don't even know if that is grammatically correct, but you get what I mean.  

So the best way to write this, is to do it this way.

"How do you get your garden looking so nice?"  "There is no magic pills, it's just hard work!"

"How did you lose your weight?"  "There is no magic pills, it's just hard work!"

"How do you organize a huge event like the Ringle Harvest Day?"  "There is no magic pills, it's just hard work!"

"How do you set up an online estate sale business?"  "There is no magic pills, it's just hard work!"

"How did you stay married 33 years?"  "There is no magic pills, it's just hard work!"

"How did you get your kids to do their chores?"  "There is no magic pills, it's just hard work!"

I could give more, but you get where this is going.  In fact, I have  to say EVERY thing in my life that I feel I've been successful at it is the result of HARD work.  Of course, it goes without saying, I know the Lord helps me.  It is He who gave me my "gifts."  It's what I do with what He has given that matters.  

I know, how is 'this' motivating? 

Well, first, stop thinking about doing and do it.  For me, that was watching others on YouTube with beautiful gardens.  I could look at theirs, seek their "magic pill" tips, or get off my butt and weed mine - hard work.  I could go through each of those questions above as examples and tell you my revelation to how to make it happen - all of them are the result of hard work.

So, second, stop looking for the "magic pill" in what you seek and make it happen.  Do the work.  Put in the effort.  Stop making excuses (I'm famous for that one!).  

And, third, the reward of it, that is the motivation.  If you would have asked me 2 weeks ago, "how is your garden doing?"  I was about to give up again.  Just let it go and let the weeds take over.  But, I MADE myself go out there and do it.  Now, I have to make myself not go out there because I like it so much.  I have to take that same motivation and apply it to my next task.  I can scroll instagram and look at other's organized (fill in the blank), seek their "magic pill" of tips on how to keep it that way....or, I could just get off my butt and do it.  

My hopes in sharing the "good, bad and ugly" about Dicky Bird in my blog, is that you take something from each vulnerable moment and lesson I post about.  Trust me when I say, there is "no magic pill" to making yourself do something, "it's just hard work."  You are worth the investment.

Blessings from Ringle, Wisconsin.  


  1. We have been working on our garden for a few weeks and finally have it looking in a reasonable condition. You are so right, there are no short cuts. Hard work and trust in the Lord makes everything right.

  2. Amen sister. Hard work is the source of being successful in everything one does. Great motivational Monday and I know your garden is just beautiful! Janice

  3. Love that and everything is so very true. I, too, need to stop making excuses...but dang....I have some really good ones. ;-) Your newly weeded/cleaned garden is not only a treat for you to visit now, but think how much easier it will be to keep it that way. ~Robin~

  4. I also think we spend to much time on social media. I am a big offender looking around I wish I hate that or mine looked like that and maybe it would if the hour I just lost on social media was spent in the garden etc...
    good for you weeding your garden I try to get out a bit each day but with all the rain it has been hard to keep up
