Saturday, July 17, 2021

It's a Tea Garden

I had to and still have to reclaim some raised beds this year.  They are too "quacky" and hard to maintain.   

I was late to shop the greenhouses, but I found lots of herbs for like $0.75 each.  Our daughter, Justine, had just mentioned something about a tea garden idea.  Well, little herb, you can come home with me.

I had Al put these cattle panels up, mostly to keep the deer out of the beds.  They are great for that, but not so easy to weed through.  I am able to lift up the one end and then balance it on a board or something.  Well, easier said than done....

I didn't even know I did this to my arm, until a few hours later.  There was like a "goose egg" under the skin and my armpit was sore.  I know it got "pinched" in a square of the panel, but I just kept working.

We did this bed last year.  Al planted some horseradish in a contained area on the end.  I filled the rest with flowers.  I really love Zinnias!  The ones not blooming yet, I did from seed, and they are going to be white and green.  

Al finally was able to cut our hay.  We have clay soil and we had a ton of rain in past few weeks which made it too wet to drive on.

We have a window of several nice days in a row, so time to cut the hay.  As it was, his tractor tires were getting wet.  He is on vacation too, so it works perfectly.  Good Lord willing, nothing will break and we can bale it.   It was a perfect day.  I drove the 4 wheeler up to the top of our property and took the last picture.  Our time here, our stewardship of this land, has been one of my greatest blessings.  

Blessings from Ringle, Wisconsin.  


  1. I planted a few things late this year and I use raised beds. And, I love finding those inexpensive plants. I am always on the lookout for them.

  2. Oh I can smell that freshly cut hay from here!!!! One of my most favorite memories from growing up...and just living here. Summer days driving down the back roads with the windows down and smelling that glorious smell. Ouch...that is a doozy of a bruise. You must have truly been focused on your weeding not to notice that. I am surprised that quack comes up in the raised beds...isn't that part of the reason of having the beds raised?? Love the "horsey" flowers are wonderful! Please be sure to show us some photos of the green and white zinnias! ~Robin~

  3. Hope you manage to get the hay baled before the rain. Your garden is looking gorgeous. Hope your arm heals quickly, you poor thing what a mess.
