Sunday, September 23, 2018

Restless Nights

I've had several weeks of restless nights.  I know we are to "cast your cares upon Him" and I've posted plenty about it!  Just tell my sleeping pattern that...LOL.

I know it's anxiety.  I have some pressure from my loving husband to clean up and out a section of a building - at this point and time - any building - so he can park his tractor and our trailer in it.  I even woke the other night and shouted out loud..."I can't sleep!"  He jumps awake and says..."why?"  "because you are going to take the bucket on the tractor and push all my junk in a pile!"  "Ok! I won't now go back to sleep, I need to sleep!"  Of course after all that I couldn't and it was 1:30 am....I went downstairs and worked on the vendor list and map for the Ringle Harvest Day...which is another cause for anxiety!  I stayed awake until 4:15 am and went to the couch.  People...why do I do this to myself!?!  I'm the one doing it!  So restless nights remain.  

This morning it was 3 am!  Wow, can you get a lot accomplished at 3 am!  I'll take a Sunday afternoon nap after church.  Believe it or not....I had a vendor message me at 2:45 am - which could be what woke me!  My phone is on silent, but the light came on....2:45 am!!!  "Do I have a booth?"  Really?!  And I wonder why I can't sleep!  

I tried deep belly breathing, working my issues out in my mind..."I'll do this, then this,"  "worse case scenario option is..., LOL" praying, reading...nope, I'm wide awake.  I had a few friends in the same "stage of life" that I am in tell me the same thing.  They have difficulty sleeping...stupid menopause.   

What do you do when you can't sleep?  I am really looking for suggestions.  Let me know.

Blessings from Ringle, Wisconsin.  


  1. Sorry you can't sleep. I find that the more you worry about it the worse it becomes. I sometimes just get up. This second one sounds weird but it works for me - I make up stories in my head, or daydreams - nice things to try to chase away the anxiety and worries. Hope you get some sleep soon. It can be very draining.

  2. I do not have a problem sleeping so I am no help what so ever to you Jacky. I do hope you get some sleep soon, as it could cause health issues I am told. Janice

  3. A warm drink and evening primrose oil worked for me.

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