Tuesday, September 11, 2018

"It's All Sham Pain" Thanks Five Finger Death Punch

I like to listen to "metal" and many a poetic lyric has resonated with me.  None more so lately, than Five Finger Death Punch's "Sham Pain."  If you can take a few swear words, YouTube it.  LOL

I love how they twisted those words....LOVE it!   That is exactly how I have been feeling lately.  This is the jest of what I get out of it.  A sham is something that is not exactly what it is presented to be, false, bogus and pain is what it is.  Champagne = celebration....Sham Pain = how I feel lately!

Let's break this down to what Dicky Bird has been doing and you will see how funny this is to me.  Have you seen those Pinterest Nail or Fails?  Or the pictures of people trying to copy it, "how they look...how I look..." you know what I'm saying, right?  To me, this song is on those same lines. 

O.k. we live in a social media driven world.  No matter if you are a cook in the school kitchen, mom on the playground, a fitness coach or an antique dealer, we all share our day in some way on social media.  None more so than those of us who are self-employed.  We have to!  For real or how is anyone going to see what we do.  If you are in the business, you know what I mean and it's hard for some of us, less than savvy users.  

After all the wonderful shows that occurred over the weekend, looking at the amazing booths....I felt defeated!  My stuff sucks!  Come one now....we've all been there!  Then I heard this song and I knew I would blog about this.  It's all "sham pain!"

Oh, don't get me wrong, I love looking at all the perfectly staged, meticulously manicured images that pop up on my news feeds, I do!  When you promote yourself, style or items for sale - you need to!  For the most part, I'm inspired, but at times, if I'm being honest, discouraged.  It's all "sham pain!"

I had to laugh yesterday, as Lisa and I were working, this song ran through my head.  Oh we could and do, post nice pictures of the items at our sales, but do any of you know what we had to dig through to get it?  Many times, lots of critter poops...for real!   People always say, "I would love to do what you do" - but, could you?  It's not easy, even though some of the images make it look that way.  It's all "sham pain."

I wanted to post this for my Motivation Monday, but I was working at our sale all day and then a Town of Ringle meeting.  I was going to try to squeeze it in before I fell asleep, just so I could say I posted on Monday....but, then again, its all "sham pain."  

I hope that you would think on the twist in these words the next time you feel like I have been.  It really makes me laugh.  The chorus of the song is this:  "all in all it's a good life, I got what I want, I can't complain.  I'm living the good life, a toast to you know, it's all "sham pain."  

So, I will - champagne = celebrate what I do the best way I can do it, but keep in mind, it's all "sham pain!"

Blessings from Ringle, Wisconsin.  


  1. I laughed at the mouse poop part...because I just ran into a dead mouse in one of my witch hats last night...I cannot tell you how much gunk, dirt, cobwebs and the mice we deal with in our pickings. We dust it off. clean it up and make it presentable. Then there are those who come into our store and want something basically for free. They don't realize the doo doo we go through to make it look pretty. Great post Jacky! Janice

    1. ....that's for sure! "will you take a dollar for this?" maybe before I cleaned it....LOL

  2. Great post! I love looking at your posts, but know I couldn't do it. I have trouble picking through the stuff we stored in our garage lol.

    1. yes, it's not for everyone...(wink,wink) Thanks for the compliment! Oh, I have some of "it" here in my sheds too....LOL
