Thursday, November 7, 2019

Fulfilling our Parent's Wishes - Promise Kept

September 17, 2019 our parents would have been married 70 years.  We promised them that once the last one passed on, we would spread their ashes up on Sugar Bush Hill.  My dad grew up on the Potawatomi Reservation and this spot overlooked his childhood home.  It took a few years for us to "let go" - but, we did so this year, their 70th Anniversary and thinking on it now - it was perfect!  My dad use to say....(he had a funny sometimes nasty humor)...."mix us up all together 'one last time' (wink, wink) on our anniversary and spread us out together."   That is just what we did. 

Here are pictures of my mom, dad when they were young, their wedding photo and my favorite picture of them together.

Christal Delores Kincaid (1932-2013)

Henry Charles Ritchie (1926-2008)

Henry & Christal Ritchie, September 17, 1949 

My wonderful parents.  I have been so blessed!

My sisters, Bonnie & Lori, looked around in the woods for the perfect spot.  They found it!  It was a grouping of 6 rocks, all different sizes, one representing each of us.  The little rock was in the middle - that's me - I'm the youngest.  I was so happy they found this!  It also gives us a "marker" so we can return and visit.  The rest of the memorial I don't need to share, it is too personal.  

I took their cremation tag - now on my key chain.

I don't know when all 6 of us will be together again.  I'm so happy we took these pictures.  

It took some time for me to post this.  I wasn't sure I would, but then I thought it is my way of honoring them.  We grew up in a loving home, well cared for, parents who loved each other, taught us by example, poor times...and richer...., from fried chickens, frozen desserts to garden dirt....we were truly blessed!  

Blessings from Ringle Wisconsin.  


  1. What a wonderful tribute to your parents Jackie! A perfect time to do it so too. I smiled when reading about how your dad wanted their ashes mixed up. You truly have a wonderful family and I think you look like your mom. Janice
