
Tuesday, December 26, 2017

2017 Top 5 Posts from Dicky Bird's Nest

I saw other bloggers doing this, so I thought I would too.  As 2017 comes to an end, I would like to reflect on my top 5 posts.  

5th place:  Top 3 Cheeses in United States 2017

Congratulations to these wonderful cheese makers.

4th Place:  Day 33 Without Water - A Series of Unfortunate Events:

Yes, we made it - 33 days without running water.  We now have a much well....our water is great!

3rd Place:  What I'm Working On This Week - March 1-8  The server in this picture was probably one of the nicest pieces I finished this year.  

2nd Place:  2016 Was Good to Me  I did have a great year in 2016.  I had some wonderful trips and blog successes.  

And the post with the most views in 2017 is:

1st Place:  October - My Favorite Time of Year  

This post was way over the other 4 in views, as it was shared on the Ringle Harvest Day facebook page.  That page and the post for the event was shared in combined social media sites to some really high numbers of views (Ringle has a population of 1,711 - it was like 25 times that!).  It was so exciting to watch the numbers go up each day!  Thank you to the wonderful customers, vendors, friends and community that did their part in sharing it on their pages.  We had a record year!

Thank you for following along.  I hope to have some interesting things to share with you in 2018.  

Blessings from Ringle, Wisconsin.  

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