Friday, December 10, 2021

Farmhouse Friday - December 10

Happy Farmhouse Friday!

Where did the week go?  I didn't get too much done at my farmhouse this week.  I did have a minor Mohs surgery for some skin cancer.  In the past 14 months, I've had 2 Mohs surgical procedures.  A chunk of my ear and now by cheek.  I would highly encourage you to wear your sunscreen!  This one wansn't as painful as my ear....that was awful.  

I met with my Wizard of Oz client and returned unsold items to her before they leave for Florida.  She was very pleased with what sold and would like me to sell more items when they return in May.  It was a niche' market, but we did sell some! 

I started back with my 12 Days of Christmas for my followers on facebook.  I also, do this for my daughters.  Anna took her gifts home Monday when she left here.  I was thinking it was going to be hard for her to wait till Monday when the 12 days start...ahahah....I guess only 1 was opened.   Her boss asked her about the 12 Days of gifts this year, I guess it's a hit!  

This is the road to Justine's house.  I was happy I felt good enough to have my "Lauren Day," Grandma Faye switched days with me.  She loves cheese and I brought a spreadable cheese and crackers for our snack.  As I made a cracker and cheese for her I said "it may be a bit sharp for you" just as she was about to take a bite.  She looked at it...hmmm...."no I don't want it" and then it hit me "sharp has other meanings."  "No, it's not sharp as in glass, it's sharp like tangy, try it...." she takes a bite and says "yum, that's not too sharp for me!"  She is always giving me things to laugh about!  I don't care....but, she says...."you don't care your chubby, right?" I almost peed......"no, Gramma Bird likes herself, chubby and all"...."ya, you're a cute chubby" - stop, I can't even!  Being with her is the highlight of my week!

Weather forcast has our getting 6-12" of snow this afternoon through Saturday.  I have an appointment at 10, glad it's early.  Maybe I'll come home and do some Christmas decorating.  Have a great Friday!  

Blessings from Ringle, Wisconsin.  



  1. Happy FriYay Jacky.... When I checked the forecast earlier, it said 10-15" now. Grrrr. I tried to make it out before it started, but my truck wouldn't start. Not sure what to do about it now.... Did I say grrrr??? Glad you got your Lauren fix...and sorry about more skin cancer but glad this time around wasn't as painful. Gotta try to find that itty bitty bit of good where we can these days, eh? Stay safe and cozy. ~Robin~

  2. Hope the 12 days of Christmas is fantastic, but knowing you it will be! I am still adding in Christmas cheer in our house. I went shopping for our Christmas dinners. Yes multiple dinners will be at our house this year. Not sure if I would prefer the snow or the the high winds and rain we are suppose to get. The high winds scare me as we might lose power. Bob brought in more wood for the fireplace just in case. Hope you have a wonderful weekend! Janice

  3. Wow that's a lot of snow that you might be getting! Our forecast is for a lot of rain, wind and then some snow. Hope you heal up soon! Take care!
