Tuesday, June 29, 2021

Tenacious Pansy


Look at these tenacious little Pansy plants.  We are redoing some of the landscaping around our house this summer/fall.  We have just let the weeds and such be, as they will not be there much longer.  Every time I walk past this, I think about how cute these little flowers are.  It actually makes me smile.

I was thinking about this, look at the poor ground they are growing in and look at all the rocks around them.  Yet, they still bloom.  

I don't need to share "bloom where you are planted" for you to understand the lesson in this little Pansy patch.  We've all heard that one before.  I was thinking, however, do we?  Do we actually bloom and even thrive in and during a "rocky" moment.  

I've had my fair share of "rocky" moments in my life.  Some I've been like the Thistle, all picky and sharp.  Some I've been like the Dandelion, letting all my emotions blow away into the wind and ears of others.  Some I've been like the Pig Weed, all tough and self absorbed.  I have been like the Pansy too, a time or two all sweet and happy.  "Rocky" times really bring out all the emotions.  This little patch has made me think about my blooming and thriving.  

So, maybe plans didn't work out the way you wanted, make the best of what they are.  Maybe, age and time are less ahead than behind, make the best of what is left.  Maybe, you're overwhelmed with things to do, just do something.  But, bloom, thrive while doing it.  

Thanks little Pansy patch, I'm taking this with me and growing.

Blessings from Ringle, Wisconsin.  


  1. I have those sweet little Heart's Ease/Johnny Juump-Ups all over here. The funny thing, though, is that they do NO come up in my brick patio even though slews of petunias, gypsophila and even snapdragons do. So as tough and tenacious as these little pansies may be, they are a bit "particular" in some regards about where they choose to plant their roots LOL. ~Robin~

  2. That gave me lots to meditate on, such a lovely pansy patch.

  3. Good lessons! We call them Johnny Jump Ups they are pretty sweet.
