
Monday, January 27, 2020

Motivational Monday - When Life Gives You...

When life gives you...I know it's lemons and lemon aide...but, mine was apples and applesauce.   

I like January, I really do!  It's a time to take an inventory of things.  One of those things is the freezer (s - we raise our own and have a big garden we have more than 1).  Another thing I like about January is that sometimes you get "snowed" in.  That was what happened this past week.  Perfect time to organize and use stuff in the freezer.  

These are our apples.  From the trees Al planned, planted and protected (wire cages/deer) on our farm.  I can image, my preparing these apples in the fall, thinking on a day in January when I could use them for sauce or baking.  I sweetened it with honey from the bees that spend the spring and summer here on our farm.  Robert, Straight from the Hives:  is such a hard worker.  We love that their bees live here and pollinate our plants and in turn give us a sweet reward.  

Sometimes, when you are given a "gift" (apples), maybe you aren't able to use it at that moment.  Prepare, plan and put away for it's future use.  You may even have to rely on a "friend" to help "sweeten" when you have the time to use it.  Be motivated by thinking on the "sauce."  

As a dreamer, I often times get ahead of myself.  I have grandios plans, put the cart before the horse and jump in with both feet.  That process often times leaves me hurt or defeated.  

While I was cooking these apples down to sauce - this came to me.  This sauce, from our apples with honey from the bees that pollinated much took time to get it.  Not when I was rushed to make it in the fall...sometimes I do it then...but, rather after I prepared and planned for their use in January.  

You know, not every idea or plan you may have comes to fruition instantly.   Many we need to prepare, work, plan and wait.  Wait for some cold, snowed in day to reap the rewards.   How much sweeter will that be?!?  

My motivation for this Monday would be to look at the situations you have going on in your life.  Maybe you have something that needs you to plan, prepare and wait.  Maybe, you can't do it all by yourself.  Tell a friend about it, they could help you.  Keep in mind, if you push yourself to complete X,Y and Z, will it hurt you or leave you discouraged?  Think on the apples and sauce, I know I will.

Blessings from Ringle, Wisconsin.  

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