
Friday, January 24, 2020

When Schedules Change

I was asked to babysit 2 days this week, however with a change in plans, cancellations due to sickness and all this snow we've been getting, they didn't need me.  So that left me with "free" days, what's a Dicky Bird to do?  I know what she wanted to do (I'm addicted to a new YouTube channel), but after my Motivational Monday - Budgeting post:  I decided to spend that time more productively.  So, I started to tackle the corner of my laundry room that was supposed to be a little office.  It started out that way, but it just became a "dumping/collecting" of things I didn't want to deal with right now...ya, I'm like that.  

Sometimes, I'll bring in boxes of inventory to work on.  You know, when you box out an estate, most times you are in a hurry - money -vs- time - kinda thing, I don't see or remember what is in each box.  So, it's fun, like a treasure hunt to open them...find the good stuff...but, then it gets to be boring and a bit too much like "work."  So, I'll fill a box with this and that - some, my own stuff - close it up and stack it.  "What to Keep, What to Sell, What to Donate".... sign ME up for MY class...ahahaha

This is what it looks like.....

....ugghhh can you see why I don't want to deal.....

Several boxes, garbage bags and text message "do you want this?" later....I have this......

That sad plant...was buried, but I think I can save it.

What you can't see, intentionally mind you, is this shelf above my washer and dryer....

Oh, I'll share an updated version....once, I get it all organized...why can't it look like this now??  I stuff all kinds things on those shelves.....miss matched socks, things found in pockets, feathers I picked up in yard....I'll stop...

So, when your budgeted time is changed and you have some free time, invest that in working on your "to do" list.   I even found some cute MCM (mid century modern) inventory for the antique show.  

Yes, they were stuffed in a box, probably because I wanted to keep I'll sell them....see I know what I'm teaching....

Blessings from Ringle, Wisconsin.  

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  1. Inventory...not a fond word for me right at the moment. Spent most of the evening working on inventory. UGH. Glad you are getting your office together. Janice
