
Tuesday, January 28, 2020

5 Tips on Tuesday - Blogging

I started writing this blog almost 10 years ago.  10, wow!  While writing and sharing my personal trials and triumphs, I've made some really nice blog friends.  About 4 years ago, I noticed many of my favorite bloggers left, dropped off, no longer writing on here.  It was actually shocking to me.   Some of the most active, popular bloggers were gone.  I've searched for them on YouTube vlogs, social media sites; some I've found others not.  I continued to write and share, but the loss of reading my favorite blogs was tough.  

I recently had several ladies ask me about writing a blog.  Now the avenue of which one can do this is so much broader than the road I took 10 years ago.   So many more social media outlets to be "seen and heard."  

If you don't have a large social media presence, you may not know that many sites are keeping your "numbers" hidden.  In doing this, the most popular ones are upset.  I've noticed that "blogging" for some is their "new" way to connect with an audience.  So maybe, we will not only see...but read more than 40 some characters...teehee...

On to my 5 Tips for Tuesday - Blogging

1.  Write what you know about.  Share your talents and interests.  This one is very important.  Readers know the difference.  Also, be honest and real.  This is a big one...keep it short.  You may think your the "world's expert" on a subject, but no one wants to read about it all at once.  If your posts are too long, readers will move on to another.

2.  Share your posts to your other social media sites.  Link to a "blog hop" - join in and share your post.  I do this for several of my posts a week.   

3.  Have nice photos.  By all means, share the best ones when possible.  If people are scrolling 50 other searches on caramel apples...or whatever...make sure your photo stands out.  People search with their eyes first.

4.  Tag others.  Share their information.  Comment on their posts.  We all love compliments.  Go over and find someone you admire and tell them.  Write a post about, "I was inspired by..." tag them.  I had one of my posts:  receive the most views in 1 month ever, because I tagged the Willow Tea Rooms.  They shared it on their site as "what Americans think of our tea room."  I say that to tell you, it works!  

5.  Don't get discouraged if you think you don't have followers.  Blogger says I have only 139 followers.  However, my posts reach far more than that as my page views reflect it.  Many times, people look, but don't follow.  I was in "my" department at the fair one year and a lady came up to me and handed me a cookbook.  She said she loves to read my blog and shared one of my recipes in her church's cookbook.  Yep, right there in black and white "Dicky Bird's ...."  So, it's only a number.  Who you actually reach is a different story.  

By all means, if you are thinking of writing a blog - start.  If you do, let me know so I can start reading yours as well.

Blessings from Ringle, Wisconsin.  


  1. You have some good tips. I keep slogging along with my blog. Sometimes I feel too busy for it, but I can't seem to let it go.

  2. Some great tips there! I am so not consistent about blogging! My poor photography blog has not been updated for a while. I seem to get stuck and don't know what to write about or think people will find things boring. I mostly do it now as a sort of diary form. If I ever do get a photography business going I know that I will have to up my social media game.

  3. What an encouragement you are to others.

  4. You know Dicky Bird I've been thinking about this very topic. Where have all the bloggers gone, or some I had followed for years. I'm so glad you are here and I've neglected to let you know. I'm letting you know now I am so glad you are still here and blogging.
    It may seem to be a dying thing blogging, but there are still many out there. Glad you posted this. There have been times, because mine isn't followed by thousands and thousands, do I continue, but it is something I love and want to continue. Like you have many that have told me in public not in comments or follows that they love the blog. So guess my friend we continue doing what we love for as long as we enjoy.

  5. Great post! Many blogging friends I followed have disappeared too. Janice
