
Saturday, December 16, 2017

Networking with Others

In my line of work, it's hard to network with others, as it is so competitive.  But why?!?  I truly want everyone to be successful in what they do - I really do!  I know there are only so many customers to go around....but, I will tell you....customers do get around.  I've heard many nice things about other individuals and shops in our area from my customers.  Remember, they share us.

Maybe, it's a lack of really understanding what it is.  The dictionary defines networking as:  "the exchange of information or services among individuals, groups or institutions."  Networking is just sharing.  I know, in sales, "playing nice" can be hard.  We all are selling something; an idea, service or product.  The customer who is researching, seeking something will chose one over the other, that is true.  But, that customer will remember that YOU shared it.  I know this to be true - it has happened too many times for me to count.  I've been reselling my wares since I could make Barbie furniture from 2x4's  and sell to the neighbor girls.  I've been picking and reselling almost as long - as my mom and grandpa did this.  So, I've seen all of this to be true.

Recently, I was called to a home to look at some personal property.  I didn't resell those types of items, so I referred it to 2 other dealers who did.  Did I charge the other dealers for a referral?  Nope!  I could have, people do this.  I didn't because, those dealers will network with me.  Share my name with someone who calls them to pick rusty farm junk.   This is networking.  Even if they don't share - I did my part - reap what you sow kinda thing.  

Just yesterday, I ran into a guy who came to an estate sale we did.  He asked me to come and pick some stuff he bought out from houses he was hired to clean.  He made a list of items I was looking for and said he would go dig them up.  He told me what he is looking for, what he resells.  I assured him I would be on the look out for those items or when I come across someone selling I would share his name.  We could even work out a trade.  This is networking.  

Don't be jealous of someone who is in your area doing the same thing you are doing.  Introduce yourself, network, "play nice," be a mentor to someone and help them.  In doing so, you really are helping yourself and your business.  So, let's share:  

"Hi, my name is Jacky, my business is Town Hall Trinkets, LLC.  I am an antique dealer and folk artist.  I am certified as a Personal Property Appraiser, help individuals and families in all areas of estate consulting, buy out estates and conduct estate sales.  I do event planning and promote many events in our area - starting the Ringle Harvest Day here at our farm.  I love to work with wool, needle felt, paint and re purpose items.  I also volunteer and have been hired to teach all kinds of classes in arts and homesteading skills.  I'm crazy about chickens.  My nick-name is Dicky Bird and this is my blog, which I love writing!"   

If any of this interests you, click on the links above to message me or leave a comment.  Thanks.  Let's work together!  

Blessings from Ringle, Wisconsin.  

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