
Friday, December 15, 2017

I'm a Dreamer

You don't have to read too many of my blog posts to know that I am a very spiritual person.  I am very "in tune" with my insides, soul/spirit whatever you call it.  

God has used dreams to reveal things all throughout the Bible.  Daniel had the gift of interpretation of them.  Daniel 2:28-29 "However, there is a God in heaven who reveals mysteries, and He has made known to King Nebuchadnezzar what will take place in latter days.  This was your dream and the visions in your mind while on your bed.  As for you, O king, while on your bed your thoughts turned to what would take place in the future; and He who reveals mysteries has made known to you that will take place."  

There are many, many other examples in the Bible, however it is this "He who reveals mysteries has made know to you..." I want to focus my post on.

If you have read the past few posts, you know situations in 2017 has made me grow, change and reflect.   While I did this awake, I also resolved some of these issues while sleeping.  Isn't our minds a wondrous organ!  We don't even tap into a small portion of it's potential.  I'm one who believes our insides - soul/spirit - is held within this amazing computer God gives us.  He should reside in our "hearts" and "minds."  He should be Lord over all.  

So, this past week I had 2 dreams that I know had meaning for me.  I don't seek spiritual council from ANY other than the Holy Spirit, so I pondered on these dreams.  Of course, you could google what does "..." mean?  Many studies have been done on subjects within dreams to find common meaning.  

With that tool, I prayerfully sought "He who reveals mysteries...."  Oh, how wonderful it is to dream!   One was very special, it involved my very dear grandmother and aunt that have passed on and they gave me a message that was so clear to me, I actually woke crying.  It was very personal and I LOVED it!  Thank you Jesus who gives "good gifts" to those that believe.  My Holy Spirit - the comforter - did just that!

The other, I did google what does it mean to dream of spider webs.  Oh boy, did that hit the nail!  In my dream, I was cleaning these huge, massive spider webs from the corners and tops of 2 windows.  I wasn't afraid of the spider that could be in the web, I just wanted to see out the windows.  You know, that is exactly, what I have been doing, untangling myself from some webs. I now can see more clearly.  My dream revealed the meaning of these actions.  It made perfect sense and I am at peace.  

I'm no one special, we all dream.  So, if you happen to dream of something that sticks out and you don't understand it.  Prayerfully seek council from HIM who gave it.  He has never failed in revealing mine in a way I understand.  When I was a child, EVERY night my mom and I would pray that I didn't have any bad dreams, which I did have many of.  I no longer pray NOT to dream - I think of them as they gifts they are.  

Blessings from Ringle, Wisconsin.  

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