Wednesday, January 1, 2025

Happy New Year - 2025

Happy New Year!  

Have you been reflecting on your 2024?  Are you making any plans or goals for 2025?  I love beginnings of things.  The "coming up with idea," planning, preparing, starting these things are easy for me.  It's the ending of things, completing things, letting go that are hard for me.  

That is why I love January, it's always a new beginning.  Now, I know each day is a new beginning and I've had to start at that.  I've even started with "this is a new hour" - (wink, wink).  

2024 had many challenges for me.  I am truly an optimist and look for silver linings.  I mentioned it before, but in August, the unexpected death of my mother-in-love, really knocked us down.  Events after, just kicked us while down.  I know so many other people, have it much worse, but this is where I was at.  So, now I'm ready to move forward.

My reflecting on the past, had my remembering other low moments in other years.  I made it through those, tried to glean from them and grow.  Doing this actually helped me see how far I've come with some of the challenges I created for myself - yes, sometimes we create our own issues and challenges.  

Prior mental health professionals have told me that I struggle with "compare/compete" and "assume" issues.  At my LAST appointment with one of them, I challenged her with a position I took on something and asked "as a woman, mother you must feel this way too!  I can't be the only one!"  She stood up, walked out of the room.  She came back in and said "this session is about you, not me."  Well....that was true, however I didn't go back to her or any other.  I'm only sharing this with you, because I worked through my "diagnosis" on my own.  (obviously I prayed too)  She was right, I did let those things occupy too much of my head.  That 2024 reflecting had my seeing that I am at peace with where I am at and who I am.  

Now on to setting my 2025 goals.  I'm NOT going to pick a word of the year or set a resolution.  I'm not holding myself responsible for taking on every little sale (estate sales) that I'm asked to look at - I can't help everyone, Lord knows I've tried.  I'm not holding myself hostage to every single call, email, question in my private and business life.  I'm not going to jump in and create an event or opportunity for myself and put other's interests ahead of mine. Instead, I'm going to pick sales that are worth my time and efforts.  I'm going to set boundaries on what I share and how I answer.  I'm going to be as creative as I'm known to be, but for me first this year.  I think this sounds selfish, but at this point in my life - I don't care!  Selfish or self-care?  

Here is a couple poems I wrote.

For my business:  

Thanks for reading.  

Blessings from Ringle, Wisconsin.  


  1. Happy 2025 Jacky.... Ahh...I know so well about being kicked about while being down. I've had so many of those years in a row now that I just close my eyes and shudder when a new year rolls in. I wish I had a bit more of your optimism, but I wasn't wired that way I guess. That was a very strange reaction on the part of that therapist. It makes me wonder if she didn't have some personal trauma going on that was triggered. In any event, I hope the new year brings you joy and is all you hope and wish it to be. One can not ask much more than to be at peace with where one is and who they are. ~Robin~

  2. Happy New Year! Hope the new one will be a blessed one for you and your family. Your sentence for 2025 is a good one. Janice
