
Saturday, March 30, 2024

Farmhouse Fridays - Weeks 12-13

 Good Morning (it's Saturday) I'm playing "catch up" - even though I do try to "keep up."  

Well, here at my farmhouse this morning, I am listening to an audio book by Mitch Albom "The Little Liar."  We started yesterday on our car ride up to the UP.  I'm trying to type here in tears - such a good book!   It's a story of 4 individuals who all have a shared bond during the terrible evacuation of 50,000 Jewish residents from Greece.   It's fiction, but one can see how this could have taken place during the Holicaust.

So, what have I been up to?  Well, getting ready for and doing the antique show last weekend.  Teaching some of my youngest 4H kids how to cook from scratch.  Went up to the UP to Pelkie, MI to look at the Sauna Guys production of barrel saunas.  We are ordering one.  Took in some mindful moments on the shores of Lake Superior.  Went to the neuroscience department for a 3 month progress appointment.  Other tests and visits to come.  Spent time reflecting on the meaning of this weekend - Easter.

We made roasted tomato and creamy potato soup, biscuits and scones all from scratch.  The kids did it all.  They also tasted it all.  Found out that maybe they do like soup.  ahaha

Oh and Robin asked about the cupcakes I made.

Not much else going on....Happy Easter

Blessings from Ringle, Wisconsin.


  1. The photos of Lake Superior are beautiful...but it still looks cold. Love the photos of the kids cooking - they all look so "intent" during the process LOL. I think I said it before but I do wish they would bring back "home ec" classes - at least just the basics of cooking - and make it mandatory for all. Everyone should know the basics of cooking/baking. Even if they don't ever do it themselves afterwards, at least they might be able to try if they had to and/appreciate what goes in to it. Fun cupcakes! You're always so creative! Wishing you a blessed and joyous Easter my friend. ~Robin~

    1. I love Lake Superior. We are so lucky to live so close to the Great Lakes. I agree about the cooking class. If you know the basics, you can also make better choices in your diet. The boys especially couldn't believe how easy it was to make biscuits. The one mom said, "well now, you can make me some." Happy Easter.

  2. The Lake Superior shoreline is gorgeous just like Lake Huron by us here. SO love that the kiddos got involved and loved their food. Happy Easter. Janice

    1. We are so lucky to have the great lakes so close to us. Yes, the shorelines are beautiful! They did like the food!

  3. Happy Easter! Because He lives, we can face tomorrow. RHill, TX
