
Friday, March 15, 2024

Farmhouse Friday Week 11 - Signs of Spring

 Good Friday Morning!

Well, we sure have had spring like weather this past week!  I was coming out of the barn the other morning and heard a Robin.  I've seen a few already.  The "cheep/chirp" of a Robin just makes me smile.  My bird feeder has welcomed many returning favorites this past week. 

When you think mountain, you may not think central Wisconsin.  However, we do have a "mountain" one that qualifies at least.  Rib Mountain is located in Marathon County in Wausau.  I've spent my whole life in Marathon County, looking at Rib Mountain.  For our state, Rib Mountain is a destination for skiers.  I took a ride up the mountain the other day, while is was still's a state park.  There were people skiing.  It was over 60 degrees.  

I've never went downhill skiing.  Growing up in a large family, activities were limited to what we could afford.  Skiing at Rib Mountain, nope.  I remember one time I tried to ski our wood pile, yes, stupid kid mistake.  My pole got stuck between two logs.  When I fell, my neck landed on the stuck pole and left a huge bruise.  I was in like 5th grade.  My elementary school secretary, thought I had a hickey and was called to the office.  Oh, how times have changed....  This same secretary, called my friend Michelle to the office and accused her of wearing blush/makeup.  Michelle just had rosie cheeks....oh the memories.  

There was a snowboarder resting at the top.  I asked him if it was a lot of fun.  He said "yes, you should try it."  I said, "I can hardly walk much less do that, my skiing days are over."  

The view of Wausau and surrounding areas.  

I was only up there because I had an hour to wait for Lauren's school to finish.  I was the guest art teacher that afternoon.  My "take away" (from my previous post) was, to remind myself to enjoy doing something spontaneous once in awhile.

Students from the art class - needle felting of course!  

The spring flowers are coming up.

I forgot to show you my window swag for St. Patrick's Day.

I am having fun making seasonal themed things for the branch.  I hope to keep it up until next Christmas, when I will replace with a fresh one.  

Justine, Josh and Lauren are coming for a load of hay later today, I plan to make a treat for Lauren that is St. Patty day themed.  After Sunday, I will take this down and make it Easter.

Are you doing anything for St. Patty's Day?

Blessings from Ringle, Wisconsin.  


  1. Sooo, how did you get down the mountain?? I've learned more about things going on in our county from you in the past couple of days than I would watching the local news LOL. So they let people take the lift to the top for free? I never knew that. I assume it's only at the end of the season. I'm not a skier either. Like you, there was no money for things like that...and no way to get there even if we did. I did go twice when I was dating my husband... Each time I was somehow given two left boots which I did not notice until I fell...and fall I did. I figured that was the good Lord trying to tell me something so there never was a third attempt. I love that you did that - I used to be much more spontaneous than I am now. I should make a better attempt to get back to that. Funny how I didn't have to even think about it back "then." It just happened without forethought. Cute window swag. I don't do much for St. Pat's. I do put out my stitched littles that I've done over the years for the holiday. And I do love me some corned beef and cabbage so I will make that on Sunday. Hope you show us what you made for Lauren's treat. Bet it was sweet. ;-) ~Robin~ (PS...that really does stink about the landfill. Wow.)

    1. Robin, I just meant free as in not having to pay to drive in the park. LOL I have been on the chair lift, they do that in the fall so you can see the leaves and colors. Not that there are many trees left with all the ski runs. Yes, the landfill situation is terrible for us over on this side of "nod." I was more spontaneous too, the just reminded me I need to be more. Have a good weekend.

  2. Oh wow! What a wonderful view from the top. Not a lot of snow around though! I can't believe people were still out there.
    The children look wonderful with their creations. You really are such a good teacher. Your St. Patrick's Day celebrations do look wonderful.
    We don't usually do anything for St. Patrick's Day. I always say that's because I'm not the least bit Irish and I'm really not lol. According to my DNA Ancestry results there isn't a single little drop of me Irish. It is however my oldest sister's birthday. Although I won't be seeing her I'll be thinking of her and hoping she's having a great birthday!

    1. My mom's dad was Scotch/Irish. We never really celebrated St. Patrick's Day growing up. Well, only in school. I'm sure the ski hill won't be open long. What will ruin it would be a bunch of rain. I hope your sister has a happy birthday!

  3. we have the Porcupine Mountains here in Michigan. Not as high as the Smokies or Rockies though. Love your monthly window. I am making a St Pattys Day cake this weekend. A chocolate cake with green pistachio pudding and then a white frosting on top. Looks like the kids had fun with their needle felting. Very creative. Janice

    1. Oh, I've been to Porcupine Mountains, Lake of the Clouds, so pretty up there! The kids did have fun. A couple of them made 2. It an easy craft to do. However, you may end up with a bandaid or 2. Thanks.

  4. I like your Saint Patrick's day window swag, I am having corned beef and cabbage and Irish soda bread at my house and my sons will come over to share the feast.

    1. I should make Irish soda bread, we have a potluck at church. I was going to make biscuits anyway. Thanks for our the idea!

  5. We always do a family dinner - my mom started the tradition when we were kids - her grandma was Irish. It is also my nephews special day. His name is Patrick and when he was little he thought it was a day to celebrate him. He used to get out of school to do something fun

    1. Oh, those are great memories! Thanks for our sharing.
