
Monday, January 22, 2024

I'd Rather Play - Keep Up -vs- Catch Up

 Good Monday Morning!  

I've been thinking about this blog post over the past couple weeks.  A few thoughts that came to me and how I am using them for my own discipline.  

You know, I like to crawl in my bed at night.  However, I LOVE to crawl into a made bed.

You know, I like to drink coffee at my kitchen table in the morning.  However, I LOVE to drink my coffee looking at a clean kitchen.

You know, I like the smell of fresh laundry.  However, I LOVE the smell even more, when the laundry is put away in my drawers, not in baskets.  

Can you see the theme here?  

Making a bed daily, washing counters full of dishes or at very least loading the dishwasher and even putting laundry away are daily tasks.  I don't always "enjoy" doing them.  However, I have been more mindful and aware of how doing them makes me feel.  Often times, I may be running a bit late, but I haven't made my bed.  So, I'll just skip it.  However, I've been stopping and telling myself....take time to do it now, you'll enjoy it so much better when you go to bed.  It takes only minutes.  Do it!

Each of those tasks and dozens of others, if left undone, often times stays undone.  O.k. maybe it's only me.  So, that's when this title of the blog post came to me.  I'd rather play keep up than catch up.  Who wants to look at 5 baskets of laundry at the foot of the bed...apparently, I did.  By the time I get to putting it away, I've "riffled" through it and now I have to refold.  This process now is an hour.  Just keep up, the catch up is too hard.  

This idea of "keep up -vs- catch up"....

I'd rather keep up with my Bible reading, than to catch up.  You miss the meditation on the Word when you're now rushed to just crossing off boxes on the daily reading chart.  

I'd rather keep up with my barn chores than catch up.  Granted in the winter here is Wisconsin it is challenging, but if you keep up with the frozen turd, it won't turn into a frozen pile of turds.

I'd rather weed in the garden a row at at time daily, than catch up with an "all dayer" by the end of day, laying on the ground, crawling along pulling weeds.  

Let's not even get into paperwork.....I'm still catching up.  

I think you get the message here.  

I often times, make my life harder, by turning everything in to catch up, not keep up.  I have been reminding myself multiple times a day, "do you want to keep up or catch up."  Believe it or not, it's really helping me.  I did a post My On Day (Monday)  you can read it by clicking on that link.   Since that day, I have preached that not only to myself, but those who know me well, understand that Monday is "My On Day."  I think this new Dicky Bird catch phrase, "Keep up -vs- Catch up" will be another one to not only motivate me, but discipline me to be mindful for my joy's sake.   

My Motivational Monday blog posts, once a regular thing, has been dormant - just like my motivation.  As, I don't plan to do a weekly post anymore, I will share these little thoughts as they pop into my head.  Hopefully, if they help me, they will help another reader.  

What would you rather play "keep up -vs- catch up" with?  

Blessings from Ringle, Wisconsin.  


  1. This blog post is exactly how I feel, thanks for putting this to action on paper!! It really makes sense ❤️

  2. Oh...this so resonates with me. I KNOW things are so much more difficult to tackle if I let them go, and the longer they "go," the more I avoid the doing. It's a pattern of my life and days and I despise it. For me, I think the worst is the paperwork. After years of being drowned in paperwork for a living, it seems as though I avoid it like the plague. Like you, I know there is much "joy" when I DON'T let it happen. But knowing isn't doing. I need a Dicky Bird sitting on my shoulder. ~Robin~

    1. Paperwork is the worst! I understand why you avoid it doing what you did. But, I too I avoid it like the plague as well! Well, this Dicky Bird is a bit too big to sit on your shoulder...ahaha!

  3. Thanks for the comment. That is true as well, we enjoy our hobbies when our chores are managed.

  4. I agree with everyone else – you are spot on! I’m finding I feel so much better in the morning If the kitchen is clean – as tempting, as it is for me to let pots and pans soak, I’ve really tried to start taking care of all that before I go to bed. And paperwork can be absolutely overwhelming. Between how long do I have to keep some and will I have to have it for a repair or proof of purchase, I just have way too much. I’ve tried to make this a year of sorting out items I have never used that someone else might benefit from. Yikes, now, to plan for the basement! Maybe this summer – small steps! Thanks for the reminder, I’m glad I’m not alone in my thoughts.

    1. I do resell for a living, however, I've been doing the same with my personal items - donate. My basement is pretty organized as my husband has a workout area down there and it's one space I can't stash my hoard....ahahah!

  5. I need to follow your advice. AT the moment I am laxing on lots of things. Janice
