
Tuesday, January 18, 2022

It's About Creativity

Good Morning.  I'm sitting here trying to be creative.  Thinking of interesting content, what I could find to stage a picture, funny little "reels."  I don't know if it's January in Wisconsin kind of thing, I'm old kind of thing, but I'm out of new ways to reach an audience.  EWWW I just thought about that!  An audience...I'm such a 7, the entertainer.  I really don't like 7's...ahhaha...they are annoying....(wink, wink).

I really started this post to somehow work this in:  

I was pleasantly reminded recently from a much younger, very successful, content creator, influencer (2.23M subscribers), that "all 'that' isn't real and didn't make him happy."  He had taken a bit of time away from "working the numbers" and found that he would rather "just be creative" than "having to create content and or collaborate with others."  

This had my thinking about my own progress.  And then I had to think about the word "audience."  I guess I haven't made as much progress as I thought.  Because, I'm still seeking an audience.  On many of the platforms, my ship has sailed.  I was captain for decades, in a sea of rough and placid waters.  Now, I just want to be 2nd mate and go for a boat ride.  It doesn't matter that I'm stranded on Gilligan's Island and others appear to be celebrating on white sandy beaches in Maui.  I just want to be happy and creative; do my own thing.  That is the truth!  Only my 7 gets in the way!  

During Covid, when all the sales were cancelled, Lisa and I were so creative!  We set up these vignette sales.  I wrote story lines to go with the items.  I shared those in blog posts:  Evelyn's Wedding Dress that is a link to one of them.  I miss that!  

I'm not sure how 2022 will go for my business,  Town Hall Trinkets, LLC but, I know I will strive to be more creative.  

Do you have a small business?  Where do you find your inspiration?  I'd love to follow along, please share.  

Blessings from Ringle, Wisconsin.  


  1. I actually have always subscribed to many magazines when first starting our antique store, because most folks want to have that magazine look for their home. Even though I am prim gal at heart, the gift shop has to appeal to everything...which is why I am now leaning to the Nordic look now. Its the next wave after the farmhouse look it seems. Janice

    1. Well here in WI the Nordic look has always been "in" however, I've seen more and more of it now. Simple lines, reds, whites, clean. I do still like to look at my favorite magazines.

  2. You're not the only one struggling. Sometimes I have such good ideas in my head and I really have a story going then, by the time I sit down in front of the computer, it's all gone.

    I am trying to build my following on Instagram. It sometimes seems so much of a popularity contest and not built so much on merit. I don't know if I have the energy to bother. I was never into popularity contests. I try to put out good photos and hopefully they appeal to some people! I have the intent (someday) to try to sell some photos and then I suppose social media will really count.

    I like your posts - on all platforms - so thanks for continuing!

    1. I try to build mine too. Give aways, LIKE, SHARE kind of thing. As a 7 like like popularity, unfortunately, I've always seeked it...never reached it with the popular girls in high school. However, now, those popular girls buy from me...teeheee...
      Thanks for saying so, I do try.
      I think your photos are some of the best I've seen! You should be selling already. Maybe try one on your instagram page. I don't sell on instagram, yet...

  3. I think, like many things, once it is your "job," it becomes a job and loses some of its joy. I often think of doing some of the things I love doing as a "career" and na uh...I know it would take some of the fun out of it eventually...especially if I had to actually make a living at it. Hey...! That typewriter looks might familiar LOL. 😉 ~Robin~

    1. You know when I shared that picture, I was thinking about the typewriter. Thanks! That is so true about being a "job." Small business owners are ALL the "jobs" and it becomes too much.
