Monday, September 21, 2020

Motivational Monday - Master Procrastinator

 Hello, it's me, Dicky Bird, the Master Procrastinator.  Welcome to my blog and this Motivational Monday post.  

My word of the year is PROGRESSION.  Truthfully, I've been able to stick to the process that this word encompasses.  That in itself is a progression...ahahaha

This is me:  I need to have a "something" due by 12 pm Wednesday; this is how it goes....

1.  Oh, it's only Monday, I have plenty of time...

2.  9:00 pm Monday, I'll do it first thing in the morning....

3.  1 pm Tuesday, look for all the pieces or parts to work on it...

4.  1:15 pm Tuesday, Oh I forgot I had that...

5.  1:25 pm Tuesday, look at these pictures....

6.  2:45 pm Tuesday, I better hurry and pick up this mess...

7.  6:30 pm Tuesday, I think I'll clean out the closet...

8.  9:30 pm Tuesday, first thing in the morning...

9.  3:30 am Wednesday....I can't sleep, I need to.....

10.  3:50 am Wednesday...If I don't fall back to sleep, I won't...

11.  4:50 am Wenesday...I am awake...might as well bake...

12.  It's 11:00 am Wednesday!!!  Quick......

Yes, this is me...I hate it!  I must down deep somewhere like it, or I wouldn't keep doing it.  PROGRESSION to the rescue...

I've been thinking about this, hopefully it will help someone else too.  I think the stress of having to do the "fill in the blank" triggers me to take on another project - one I didn't even plan to do.  "All Aboard" - hop on the crazy train, you are now a passenger to a stressful ride.  One of ups and downs, twists and turns and maybe even a surprise or two along the way to finishing the "fill in the blank" I was supposed to just do in the first place.  

I think part of this is, I get bored, I like the fun of planning, dreaming up a project.  I love the process of promoting it, drawing it out on paper, researching what to do next, kind of thing.  I enjoy getting started, it's the finishing it up that is hard.  Also, when I KNOW something "HAS" to be done...I "buck" those the most.  I don't like people telling me what to do...even me!  What I think is that the distraction of starting something new is actually a stress relief from the actual project I'm suppose to be doing!  The longer I avoid it, the more stressed I become.  I have good intentions, however, dealing with "it" is hard.  Well, that's it, "next stop, PROGRESSION".... that's my stop, I need to get off this crazy train and quit avoiding what I need to do.  

That's really it!  

1.  Recognize that you have become a passenger on a crazy train of procrastination and you have too much luggage.

2.  Get off at the next stop.  Jump if you have to...tuck and roll... "o.k. I'm done now, go get back to the project that needs to get done."  

3.  Forgive yourself, but don't forget it.  "It's o.k. Dicky Bird, you can do it, put the contents of the closet back and get working on what it is your are supposed to do."

4.  Choose to do it.  "O.k. I now know my next project...the closet...but, I WILL go back to the "fill in the blank" and complete it.  

5.  Celebrate your accomplishment.  The reward of having it done, the acknowledgments, not only of family, friends...but, yourself.  "Hey, Dicky Bird, you did it!"  "Good job!"  One never gets too old for that!

I know this may sound silly, but I can NOT tell you how much this process has helped me.  I will NOT tell you how many uncompleted projects I have or how long they have been that way.  I will tell you, to make a list and check it twice and find out if you've been naughty or nice.  Hop off the crazy procrastination train and get working on the list.  When you can cross something off, "check" - it's an amazing feeling!  

I'm not saying I will never procrastinate a project again.  However, I've become aware of the process of this and am working on my PROGRESSION not to do it (as much).  LOL.

Blessings from Ringle, Wisconsin.  

1 comment:

  1. I'm really good at getting things done...But I have that one thing I can't even get started's been something like 7 years ago I picked up a super cute "Canned Ham" small camper...and I haven't even cleaned it out...It's a big project my man does not want to help me with...The top needed to be coated and that's whats stopping me...I'm to old to clime on top of it to coat it...So now what do I sell it or wait...
