
Thursday, September 5, 2019

Proving my Theory - Your Junk Finds You

I really believe this.  It's happened to me too many times not to.  Your junk finds you.  That is, the things that are supposed to be yours, find a way to you.  I don't know what you call it, don't call it, I don't care, I just know it to be true.  

Yesterday, I was visiting our youngest daughter on her only day off and we went to a thrift store down by her new hobby farm.  I was looking at the furniture and Anna says, "Mom, look at this book, it is from Wausau."  Truthfully, I didn't "look, look" but put it in my cart to purchase - it was from Wausau afterall, I grew up and live in the Wausau surrounding area.  

It wasn't until today that I read the forward.  Are you kidding me, the creation of this Rural Writers Association of Marathon County was from a John Lonsdorf of Ringle!  Here I sit, a rural writer (blogger) in Ringle today!  It just made me happy!  

Ringle is about 15 or so miles from Wausau, but they do have a connection on  many levels.  Our founding family the Ringle's owned a brick yard and manufactured bricks here.  John Ringle, was elected Marathon County Clerk, Wausau Mayor and post master and served the state assembly.  So, Wausau and Ringle have always had a unique connection.  Even today, Ringle has the right clay soil not only to have made bricks, but to "house" the Marathon County Landfill on hundreds of our acres.  

It had my thinking, I sure wish there was a club like this now.  How many of us bloggers....still left....if you've been a blogger  know what I mean, wouldn't love to join a club like this!  You know the "writing bloggers" - I know that sounded snobish, but blogging is afterall writing.  

I think the over stimulation of ALL social media has really ruined the writer.  This book, was just the spark of inspiration I needed to keep writing!  I can't wait to read the poems and short stories in this book!  Thanks "junk" for finding me.  

Who knows, maybe it will develop into a new "club" of amature writers.  Creative stories and poems from the heart.  After my 35th class reunion, a class mate started to follow me.  She asked me "were you good in English class?"  "Heck NO!" I said "truthfully I stuggled to even read in class."  She then paid me the nicest compliment, "well, you have a way with words that are so honest and heartfelt."  I about cried.  I write this blog for me, but it was nice to hear.  

I've been thinking more about what I actually want to spend my time on and doing.  Writing this blog is one of them!  I do miss all the other bloggers in my favorites feed!  

Blessings from Ringle, Wisconsin.  


  1. What a great find! Yes I am a believer that junk {treasures} find you. I so miss all of the bloggers that no longer are around. I do need to delete those from my blog roll. So glad I found yours! Keep on writing and I will keep reading. Janice

  2. I do love me some good junk. I am always on the look out.
